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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DSHY-3UPRGZ

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

PowerPC - DVT10B Flash ROM Firmware Availability

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
The 7020 and 6015 DVT10B flash ROM firmware (only) build has just been approved for shipment. On DAKOARCH, look for SFDVT10B IMGBIN and SBDVT10B IMGBIN, dated 27Jan95. (For access to DAKOARCH contact JAFFE at AUSVM6.) If you have access to our /afs/austin/projects/prepesw/sf... backing tree, you may also find DVT10B ROM image files in the src/esw/resource directory of sfDVT10B.950127. 6015 and 7020 are named P12H0354.IMG and P12H0355.IMG, respectively. Alternatively, these files can be obtained by double clicking on the following icon :- .
If your system runs AIX, then upgrading to DVT10B firmware is MANDATORY for systems which run (or can be upgraded to run) the Weitek graphics adapter and any network adapters such as ISA Ethernet or Token-Ring.
Otherwise, you may experience a hang when either:
- Installing AIX fr
om a network, or
- When running SMIT and configuring TCP/IP
(The problem we fixed was overlapping memory-mapped I/O areas between the Weitek and the network adapters.)
If your sytem runs NT, it is recommended you upgrade to this firmware level, but not required.
Previous versions of the SMS diskettes (DVT9x and DVT10x)will work with this level of firmware.

Updating Your Machine:
Download the SFDVT10B.IMGBIN to a DOS-formatted diskette. Be sure specify binary-mode downloading. Rename this file P12H0354.IMG. A trial softload should always be done prior to flashing the system by typing "P12H0354" at the resident monitor prompt. If this tests OK, the SMS or its utility flash.6xe may be invoked to flash the system. (flash.6xe can be run at the resident monitor with the command "flash -a P12H0354.IMG"). (Use P12H0355 on 7020 systems.)

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6015, 7020



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