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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DJON-3MGQTN

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TP General - TDK 33.6 KBPS PCMCIA Data/Fax Modem - German Option P/N 75H8800 (EMEA only)

Applicable to: EMEA

German customers are unable to connect using 33.6 kbps.

Problem Isolation Aids:
German telephone adapter P/N 01K1173 will be used for the German Option, P/N 75H8800.
Only this part number is affected.

Fix is now being supplied as standard with the German option, but users who upgrade from 28.8kbps to 33.6 kbps will need this.
There is no FRU P/N.
Customer orders P/N 01K1173. Previous adapter P/N 08H3347.
Discard adapter P/N 08H3347 and use adapter P/N 01K1173 when using 33.6kbps speeds.

SAS Keywords:

CESAL Number:

Other Information:
Greenock now ships with the new adapter P/N.
Existing Country stock can be upgraded using the standard Short/Wrong ship process.

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