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Document ID: MNOK-3QGTB8 |
Aptiva - How to restore files selectively using Unzip and Aptrstor
Applicable to: World-Wide
Note: These procedures are only meant to be used to recover files from the original software to the original machine. Reloading the preload on another machine is not supported. Restoring the software can cause files on the computer to be overwritten or changed, resulting in lost data. Files must be backed up before starting the procedure. Any related software that had been configured by the customer will have to be reset after the restore.
Mxx systems with a OS/2/DOS/Windows Select-a-system load:
1. The program to be used to restore the program is the OS/2 Zip program. This program is located on the CD-ROM. Boot the system in OS/2 (or boot with Recovery disk one and two, choose option 6, OS/2 prompt and skip to step #4).
2. When the system has OS/2 running, double-click on the OS/2 System Icon and open the OS/2 System folder. Double-click on the Command Prompts Icon in the folder to open the Command Prompts Folder.
3. At the Command Prompt Folder, double-click on the OS/2 Window. This should open an OS/2 Command Prompt in a Window which should look like a [C:\] on a black background with a blinking cursor. At the top, the title should says OS/2 Window.
4. Insert the Multimedia Exploration CD into the CD-ROM drive. At the C:\ prompt, type "D:" and press the "Enter" key. The command prompt should be [D:\].
5. Type "CD RECOVERY" and press the "Enter" key. There is a space between CD and recovery. The cursor will read
6. The directory path of the desired files must be known before they can be restored. For example, the Autoexec.bat file is in the root directory of [C:\]. The path would then be c:\autoexec.bat. In this example, the AudioStation program will be restored from the CD-ROM. The AudioStation program on a preload is located in [C:\Voyetra]. To restore that directory and all its files, type "UNZIP SYSTEM VOYETRA/*.* -D C:/" and press the "Enter" key. There are spaces after unzip, system, *.*, and -D.
7. If the system asks you if you want to overwrite a file, answer with an uppercase "A." This response is case-sensitive. The system will then expand copies of the original files from the CD-ROM and copy them onto the hard drive. When the command prompt returns, type "EXIT" to close the OS/2 Window. Restart the machine to have the reloaded software to take effect.
Mxx, Axx, 2176-Cxx, and 2159-Sxx Machines with Windows 95 Preloads:
1. These procedures supersede any commands using the PKUNZIP command. PKUNZIP is no longer supported due to a licensing issue. The proper procedure is to download the APTRSTOR.EXE from the IBM electronic services such as the Web Site or BBS, expand the files to a floppy diskette, and reinstall them to the hard drive. There is also an README.TXT file which fully explains how to restore files with APTRSTOR.EXE. This document will be copied to the floppy when APTRSTOR is expanded and gives examples to illustrate the restore procedure.
2. Insert a blank floppy disk into the system on which the APTRSTOR.EXE has been saved. After downloading the file to the hard drive, find the file by using Window's 95 "Find" feature. Click on the "Start" button, go to "Find", and then "Files or Folders". Click on "File or Folders". The Find program will come up.
3. Type the file name "APTRSTOR.EXE" in the text dialog box and click on the "Find Now" button. When the file is found, double-click on the file to start the extraction process for the file and expand the files to the floppy disk. This process will require a licensing agreement and will write over any data on the diskette so use a blank diskette. At the end, press "N" to stop.
4. Go to the RUN Command by clicking on the "Start" button and going to "RUN".
5. In the RUN Window, type "A:\GO.BAT" in the dialog text box and then click the "OK" button. The program will start a batch file which copies 4 files to your hard drive. After the batch file is over, the floppy disk is no longer needed.
6. After the files are copied, click on the "Start" button and go to "Programs" and then "MS-DOS Prompt". Click on "MS-DOS Prompt" to open a MS-DOS Prompt Window.
7. If the command prompt says C:, that is fine. If the command prompt says C:\Windows; type CD\ to move back to the
C: directory.
8. At the C:\> prompt, the restore command will be used to recover files. For additional examples, read the readme.txt file on the hard drive. This example will recover the AudioStation program in the Voyetra directory. To restore or recover this directory and its files, type "RESTORE VOYETRA\*.*" at the C: prompt and hit the "Enter" key. This will restore all the files in the Voyetra directory. Other files and directories can be restored in this fashion as well. Reboot system to have software changes take effect.
2136, 2137, 2161 and 2162 Series:
The Recovery.exe file is included on the Aptiva Recovery CD disc and does not have to be downloaded. It may also be copied from the CD to the C: drive for ease of use.
1. Insert the Aptiva Recovery CD disk into CD-ROM drive.
2. Left-Click on "Start", click on "Run".
3. The directory path of the desired files must be known before they can be restored. The syntax for restoring software is "G:\recovery\us\restore directoryname\filename" and press "Enter". Make sure that there is a space immediately after "restore". For example, to restore Autoexec.bat in the root drive of C:\, type "G:\recovery\us\restore autoexec.bat". To restore all files in the windows\system directory, type, "G:\recovery\us\restore windows\system\*.*"
4. When the activity on the screen stops, left-click the "X" at the top right of the "Finished-Restore" window.
5. Remove Recovery CD and restart system for changes to take effect. (If you plan on restoring other files in the future, you may optionally choose to copy "restore.exe" to the C:>\ drive and run it from there).
2140 & 2142 Series:
1. Make sure your computer is turned ON.
2. Insert the IBM Aptiva Product Recovery CD-ROM in your CD-ROM drive.
3. Shut down the operating system and turn off your computer. Wait for the power light to turn OFF.
4. Turn ON your computer.
5. When you see the prompt "Do you wish to continue (Y/N)?" press "Y" and "Enter".
6. When you see the prompt "Do you accept these terms and conditions (Y/N)?" press "Y" and "Enter".
7. When you see the Aptiva Recovery Utilities main menu, select "Recover Selected Files".
8. From the Recover Selected Files menu, select "Specify a file or directory".
9. When you see the prompt "Specify the file or directory you wish to recover:" enter the full path and filename of the file(s) you wish to restore.
10. When you see the prompt "Is this correct (Y/N)?" press "Y".
11. When the activity on the screen is completed, remove CD and restart computer.
Search Keywords |
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Hint Category |
Software Installation/Configuration | |
Date Created |
06-01-98 | |
Last Updated |
10-12-98 | |
Revision Date |
10-12-99 | |
Brand |
IBM Aptiva | |
Product Family |
Aptiva | |
Machine Type |
2134, 2136, 2137, 2140, 2142, 2144, 2159, 2161, 2162, 2168, 2176 | |
Model |
351; 353; 361; 440; 445; 446; 6R6; C21; J31; J3A; J3X; J51; J52; JDA; JSN; K01; K21; K22; K23; K31; K32; K52; K53; K62; K74; L01; L21; L22; L23; L31; L32; L52; L53; L6T; P01; P21; P22; P23; P31; P32; P52; P53; P62; E10; E11; E12; E13; E14; E15; E16; E20; E21; E22; E23; E24; E25; E26; E27; E30; E31; E32; E33; E34; E35; E36; E40; E42; E44; E45; E46; E54; E55; E56; E64; E65; E66; E03; E05; E06; E10; E11; E12; E13; E14; E15; E16; E17; E1F; E20; E21; E22; E23; E24; E25; E26; E27; E2F; E30; E31; E32; E33; E34; E35; E36; E37; E3F; E40; E41; E42; E43; E45; E46; E47; E4F; E50; E54; E64; E74; E84; L17; L27; L31; L35; L37; L3F; L45; L47; L51; L5H; L61; L6D; L71; LG1; LG2; LQ1; LQ2; LQ3; LV1; LV2; SQ1; SQ2; S34; S35; S36; S44; S45; S46; S57; S61; S62; S67; S6F; S6H; S6S; SG1; SG2; SQ1; SQ2; SV1; SV2; 3R4; 3R6; 4R1; 4R9; M31; M51; M52; M63; 2R9; 3R1; 3R3; 3R5; 3R7; 3R9; 4R0; 4R2; 4R3; M41; M53; M55; M56; M57; M61; M62; M71; M72; 5R5; M91; 5R1; 6R3; A10; A12; A14; 5R2; 5R3; 5R6; 5R8; 5R9; 6R0; 6R4; 6R5; A15; A40; A44; A45; A50; A51; A52; A90; A92; A94; 2R5; 2R7; 2R8; M30; M35; M50; 2R6; 4R7; 4R8; M40; M54; M58; 13R; 14R; 15R; 16R; 17R; 18R; 19R; 20R; B60; B65; B75; B80; B85; B95; S64; S66; S74; S76; S78; S7H; S80; S90; 21R; 22R; 24R; 25R; 38R; 460; 461; 462; 471; C3D; C3E; C85; C8E; C8F; C8H; C8M; C8X; C9E; C9F; C9S; C9X; D34; D64; D84; E34 E64; E84; F34; F64; F84; G66; G76; H66; H76; J66; J76; L81; L91; M81; M91; N63; N64; N74; N81; N91; T71; T81; T84; T85; T8B; T8C; T8E; T8F; T94; T95; T9D; T9E; TAE; TAF; 28R; 29R; 30R; 31R; 33R; 35R; 37R; 41R; 54S; 56S; 57S; 58S; B86; B87; B97; D81; D91; E81; E91; G86; G96; G97; H86; H96; P81; P91; Q3C; Q81; Q91; S35; S3C; S8C; S8H; S9C; S9H; S9M; U81; U91; V86; V96; X8C; X9D; 352; 354; 355; 356; 362; 363; 364; 372; 374; 381; 382; 384; 392; 442; 443; 447; 449; 454; 6R8; 6R9; 7R0; 7R1; 7R2; 7R3; 7R6; 7R7; 7R9; 8R1; 8R6; 8R8 ; 9R1; 9R2; 9R3; 9R4; 9R5; 9R6; C23; C31; C32; C33; C35; C3X; C53; C55; C5X; C65; C66; C67; C6B; C6D; C6E; C6V; C6X; C6Y; C6Z; C73; C77; C7X; F23; F31; F32; F33; F35; F67; F6B; H54; H55; H56; H5E; H5F; H64; H65; H6D; H6E; H6F; H7E; H7F; H7G; J33; J35; J3C; J3E; J3K; J3L; J3V; J3W; J3Y; J3Z; JCL; L62; T01; T33; T34; T62; T63; T65; T71; V34; V65; V71; W33; W55; W65; X01; X31; X33; X34; X52; X62; X63; X65; X71; Y01; Y04; Y31; Y33; Y34; Y52; Y62; Y63; Y65; Y71; Z01; Z31; Z33; Z34 Z52; Z62; Z63; Z65; Z71; S76 | |
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