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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: JBAR-3PCPFZ

IBM PC300XL - Installing a retail-version operating system

Applicable to: World-Wide

Using the pre-installed software of your computer helps maximize system operation. However, if you decide to replace the operating system with a retail version of an operating system, note the following:

Although IBM provides 30 days' support for issues related to pre-installed software, IBM provides limited support for issues related to the installation of a retail version of an operating system onto your computer. Important files (device drivers) that are part of the pre-installed software are deleted if you format the hard disk of your computer. You must reinstall these files to restore specific computer operations. After installing a retail-version operating system, you must use the retail-version diskettes or CD if you ever need to reinstall the operating system.

Important: Back up all required data files before performing the following steps. Use the following instructions to prepare your hard disk for the installation of a retail-version operating system.

1. Obtain a bootable diskette that has the FDISK command. IBM provides this diskette as a downloadable file on the World Wide Web. Look for this file under Support and Services for the PC 300XL at: http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/cdt

Note: When you download the file, a bootable diskette is created. Refer to the README file included on the diskette for additional information.

2. Exit from your operating system and go to a DOS prompt.
3. Insert the diskette that contains the FDISK command into diskette drive A.
4. Type A: and press Enter.
5. Type FDISK /MBR and press Enter. This command runs quickly. When A: appears again, the command is complete.

Note: The /MBR attribute of the FDISK command deletes the master boot record from the hard disk. You must use this command if you plan to install a retail-version operating system.

6. Repartition the hard disk using the FDISK command.

You are now ready to install the retail version operating system. Are You Installing Windows 95 Retail Version?

For the convenience of our customers, IBM has provided on-line assistance for installing Windows 95 retail version. Look for Support and Services for the PC 300XL on the World Wide Web at: http://www.us.pc.ibm.com/cdt

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Windows 95

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PC 300XL

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