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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: VLAR-3DSTVK

Multimedia Modem Plus - Uninstalling software (US Only)

Applicable to: United States

If you ever remove the Multimedia Modem Plus adapter from your computer, you must use the uninstall process to be sure that the Mwave software is removed from all directories on your hard disk drive.

To remove DOS Mwave software:
1. Exit Windows and start DOS.
2. Change to the DSP2\MWD directory.
3. Type UNINSTALL and press ENTER.
4. Click on Y to remove the Mwave DOS software.

To remove Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and WIN-OS/2 software:
1. Start Windows or WIN-OS/2.
2. Insert Windows Disk 1 in your diskette drive.
3. For Windows 3.x or WIN-OS/2, go to the Program Manager and click on RUN from the File menu. Continue with 6 on page 21.
4. For Windows 95, click on Start Button then click RUN from the Start menu. Continue with 6.


5. From the Windows 95 main window, select MY COMPUTER, click on the A drive object and select SETUP from the list of programs and then start the Setup program. Continue with 7.
6. To start the setup program, type:


Click on OK or press ENTER.

7. Click on the Uninstall icon to remove the Multimedia Modem Plus software from your computer.

To remove OS/2 Warp Mwave software:
NOTE: Remove WIN-OS/2 Multimedia Modem Plus software, if installed, before running the OS/2 Uninstall program.
1. Insert OS/2 Disk 1 in drive A.
2. Open an OS/2 window.
3. At the command prompt, type: A:\SETUP and press ENTER. The Setup program takes some time to initialize.
4. Select the uninstall option if you want to remove the Multimedia Modem software from your computer.

IMPORTANT: If you want to run the uninstall option to remove the Multimedia Modem Plus, run Uninstall from a WIN-OS/2 session using the Mwave for Windows diskettes, and then run Uninstall from the OS/2 Desktop using the Mwave for OS/2 diskettes. Always run the uninstall option in WIN-OS/2 first.

After you remove all Mwave software, shutdown and restart your computer before proceeding with the new installation.

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IBM Options

Product Family

Modems, Multimedia

Machine Type

28.8K, Audio




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