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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DJON-3G6TKH

Aptiva - Using the TREE Command

Applicable to: United States

The TREE command allows the names of all of your sub-directories to be displayed. This command is often referred to as a "Directory Tree." The directory tree is a listing of all the directories and their sub-directories for the entire hard disk or diskette. The TREE command is used to view the directory tree. (Note: It is not the same as the DIR (DIRectory) command.) The directory tree includes indentations to show various sub-directory levels. Each part of the directory tree is a part of the PATH of the hard disk or diskette.

The TREE command is entered at the DOS command prompt. The syntax is:

TREE [drive:][path] [parameters]

drive: - specifies the drive that you would like to view.

path - specifies the directory you would like the tree to begin.


/F - displays the specified directory, all its sub-directories, and all the files found in these directories.

/A - uses ASCII instead of extended characters.

/? - lists all parameter options.

If neither the drive nor path is specified, the current sub-directory of the current drive is used. Therefore, to show the complete path from the root directory, specify a single \ as the path or have the root directory as the current directory.

For example, enter:

TREE \ or TREE C:\ or TREE

If there is more than one screen of output, you can use the MORE command to pause the tree information. For more information on the MORE command, see the DOS online Help system (From the DOS prompt, enter: HELP MORE).

Search Keywords

Hint Category

DOS/Windows 3.x

Date Created


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IBM Aptiva

Product Family

Aptiva, PS/1

Machine Type

2011, 2144, 2168, 2121, 2123, 2133, 2155


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