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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3CBFFH

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

IBM ValuePoint - Hardware maintenance service

Applicable to: World-Wide

Hardware Maintenance Service:
This section contains a general checkout and diagnostic test procedure, a Symptom-to-FRU Index, procedures for isolating problems to a FRU, and a parts catalog for IBM* PS/ValuePoint* (PS/VP) computers. The diagnostic tests in this manual are intended to test only PS/ValuePoint products. Non-PS/ValuePoint products, prototype cards, or modified options can give false errors and invalid computer responses.

The drives in the computer you are servicing might have been rearranged or the drive startup sequence changed. Be extremely careful during write operations such as copying, saving, or formatting. Data or programs can be overwritten if you select an incorrect drive.

How to Diagnose Combined FRUs:
If an adapter or device consists of more than one FRU, an error code might be caused by any of the FRUs. Before replacing the adapter or device, remove the FRUs, one by one, to see if the symptoms change.

1. If you are instructed to replace the system board and that does not correct the problem, replace the riser card and reinstall the original system board.
2. If you are instructed to replace any other FRU and that does not correct the problem, reinstall that FRU before you continue.

How to Use Error Messages:
Use the error messages displayed on the screen to diagnose failures. If more than one error message is displayed, diagnose the first error message. The cause of the first error message can cause false error messages to be displayed. If you did not receive any error messages, see if the error symptom is listed in the ¨Symptom-to-FRU Index´.

The general checkout procedure starts on the next page.

* Trademark of the IBM Corporation.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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6381, 6382, 6384, 6387




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