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Document ID: DDSE-3TRGFQ

Netfinity7000 - Installing Novell NetWare 4.0 or 4.1x

Applicable to: World-Wide

This document provides installation instructions for Novell NetWare 4.0 or 4.1x on the IBM Netfinity 7000.

1. Before you begin installing Novell NetWare Uni or SMP, create the appropriate SCSI device driver diskette from the IBM Netfinity 7000 System CD (either for the onboard Adaptec adapter or the IBM ServeRAID adapter, or both).

2. Make sure that you have the latest driver diskette for any other adapters that may be in the system, such as a network adapter.

3. Ensure that the MPS spec is set correctly in the system setup. For Novell 4.0 use MPS Spec 1.1 and for Novell 4.1x use MPS Spec 1.4

4. Install IBM PC DOS version 6.3. It is recommended that the DOS partition size is large enough to contain a full memory dump, plus approximately 25MB for DOS, drivers, and the portions of NetWare that will reside on the partition.

Memory size = 128MB Partition size = 150MB

5. After DOS is installed, install the IDE CD-ROM drivers using the drivers from the IBM Netfinity 7000 System CD.

6. Insert the Novell NetWare CD into the CD-ROM drive

7. For NetWare 4.11, type INSTALL from the root of the CD-ROM.

8. Proceed with the installation, giving the device driver diskettes for the Adaptec and ServeRAID when prompted.

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IBM PC Server

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Netfinity 7000

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RH0; RM0; TH0; TM0


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