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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-385CX6

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IBM PC730 - POST tampering error and administrator password

Applicable to: World-Wide

Symptom :
IBM PC 700 Series 6877 systems may display a 176 POST error following a cold boot after setting of the Administrators password.

Problem Isolation Aids :
A 176 POST error is intended to alert the user that the cover of the system has been removed or tampered with (C2 Security feature). The 176 POST error is only active if the Administrators password is enabled. The error is cleared by entering the Administrators password.
Affected 6877 systems will post a 176 error on cold boot even with no prior top cover tampering or removal.

Verify operation of the C2 security feature as follows:
1. Set an Administrator Password using the Setup Utility

Make note of the administrator password prior to turning system power off. If the administrator password is forgotten or misplaced, the system board must be replaced.

2. Turn the system power off.
3. Power on the system unit and display.
4. The system should come up error free and request only the Power-on password.

If a 176 POST error is displayed, enter the Administrators password to allow the system to IPL, then perform an orderly shutdown. Power the system off/on. If the 176 POST error is displayed again, this system is affected.

Fix :
The failure may be caused by the top cover plunger not contacting the tamper switch on the base frame properly. If the system is displaying 176 POST errors without tampering with the top cover assembly AND with the top cover installed properly, disable the Administrator password to allow the system to POST error-free.

The tamper evident switch is being redesigned to increase the surface area of the tamper switch actuator to ensure that the top cover contacts the switch properly.

The updated switch will be available in mid-July 1996. This tip will be updated with part number and availability information as soon as it becomes available.

SAS Keywords:
6877 PC 700 PC730 PSVPERR

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Retain, General Information

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Last Updated


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Product Family

PC 730

Machine Type





Retain Tip (if applicable)


Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes