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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3JZH97

Servers - False node down alerts, Netfinity Manager 4.00.1 for OS/2

Applicable to: World-Wide


Netfinity Manager generates false alerts, because the Presence Check of a remote machine reports that the machine is not responding.


There are two recommended solutions.

1. Install a Netfinity Manager machine on each subnet. This machine would be responsible for performing Presence Checks on all of the machines within its own subnet. This machine could in turn forward Alerts to another Netfinity Manager on another subnet.

2. Instead of having the Alert Action for a failed presence check perform the desired action, have it start a program that does a more active check of whether or not the machine in question is running. Have that program issue a "genalert" command that will then perform the desired function.

Note: The presence check capability of Netfinity is performed via UDP packets that can sometimes be discarded by a busy machine or router. This is why either a separate Netfinity Manager in each subnet or a more robust "presence check" is required.

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Netfinity Manager

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IBM PC Server

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Systems Management

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