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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3FQKLQ

Aptiva - Fixed disk access time

Applicable to: United States

Access time for fixed disks describes how quickly (in Milliseconds) data can be accessed from the drive. Access time is the sum of a drive's seek and latency times.

Seek time is the amount of time it takes the drive's heads to move from one cylinder to another.

Latency is the amount of time it takes for a given sector to be in place under the heads once they have reached the required track. Usually latency is one half the time it takes a disk to make one full revolution. A drive that spins at 3,600 rpm would have a latency of about 8.33ms.

The following list shows:
Hard Drive Memory Size ***** Make and Model Number ***** Average Access Time in milliseconds

Type and Model number of systems which came standard with this drive.
M = Megabytes of hard drive space
G = Gigabytes of hard drive space

More than one model hard drive may be listed for your particular system. Please check your systemÆs hard drive ID information to verify the manufacturer and model. The hard drive ID label should be located on top of the actual hard drive.

The average access times of the PS/1 and Aptiva hard drives are as follows:

No Hard Drive Standard:
2011- M01, C01

30 M ***** 35 ***** 19
30 M ***** 38 ***** 21
2011-C34, C42, U35, T35, NEA

40 M ***** IBM WDA-L42 ***** 17
2121-C42, G42, NE2,

80 M ***** Maxtor 7080 ***** 18
2121-B82, A82, M82, NE3
2123-N81, O81, O87

85 M ***** IBM WDA-L80 ***** 18.5
85 M ***** Western Digital AC 280 ***** 17
2133-G11, G46, M40, P11, S11, S45, W11, W42

129 M ***** Maxtor 7120 ***** 17
2121 - C92, S92, A94,
2123 - I37, K37, N31
2133 - D50, G43, G49, G50, G53, P13, P43, P53, S11, S13, S43, S47, S48, S53, W13, W43, W45, W53
2133 - 11E, 13T, 14C, 18A, 51D
2155 - D53

170 M ***** IBM WDA-L160 ***** 16
170 M ***** IBM H3171 ***** 16
170 M ***** Maxtor 7170 ***** 17
170 M ***** Western Digital AC1170 ***** 13
2133 - M46
2133 - 16E, 17A, 18T, 19C
2155 - G14, G44, G52, G54, P14, P44, P54, P71, S14, S44, S50, S54, W14, W44, W48, W54
2155 - 52D, 81A, 72E, 76C
2168 - G57, S55, W52

211 M ***** Maxtor 7213 ***** 17
2155 - G72, G76, G78, P57, P76, P78, S70, S75, S76, S78, W67, W76, W78

250 M ***** Western Digital AC 2250 ***** 13
2155 - G82, P74, S80, W77
2168 - G87, S85, W82

253 M ***** IBM H3256 ***** 16
253 M ***** Western Digital AC 2250 ***** 13
2133 - 20C, 21C, 23C, 28A
2155 - 20E, 22T, 24C 45V, 48E, 50T, 52C, 77C, 79C, 82E, 84T, 86C
2168 - 28V, 31E, 33T, 37C

2168 - SR1

340 M ***** IBM H3133 ***** 16
340 M ***** Western Digital AC 2340 ***** 13
2155 - P84, Z33
2155 - 39E, 41T, 43C, 55V, 88V
2155 - CC1, RC2, RS1, NM1,
2168 - 38C, P89
2168 - US1

420 M ***** Western Digital AC 2420 ***** 13
2168 - 51E, 54T, 56C, 58V, 87C
2168 - BB1

720 M ***** N/A ***** N/A
2168 - 57C


270 M ***** N/A ***** 17
2144- 22P (310)

363 M ***** N/A ***** N/A
2144 - 24P (330), 25P (335)

424 M ***** N/A ***** N/A
2144 - 29P (343), 66P (530), 82P (710)

540 M ***** N/A ***** 14
2144 - 27P (338), 67P (535), 83P (712)
2168 - 26P (350), 62P (510)

727 M ***** N/A ***** 14
2144 - 86P (730)
2144 - P30 (550), S15 (720)

1 G ***** N/A ***** N/A
2144 - M30 , M31, M35, M50, M51, M52
2168 - M40, M41

1.6 G ***** N/A***** N/A
2168 - M53 M54, M55, M56, M57, M58, M60, M61, M62, M70, M71, M72, M80, M81

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Hard Drives

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM Aptiva

Product Family

Aptiva, PS/1

Machine Type

2011, 2121, 2123, 2133, 2134, 2144, 2155, 2168, 2176


C01; C34; M01; NEA; T35; U35; A62; A82; A94; B82; C42; C92; G42; M82; S92; 081; 087; 131; 137; K37; N31; N81; 11E; 13T; 14C; 16E; 17A; 18A; 18T; 19C; 21C; 23C; 28A; 46M; 51D; D50; G11; G13; G43; G46; G46; G49; G49; G50; G53; M40; M40; M46; M46; P11; P13; P43; P50; P53; R04; R05; R06; R09; R38; R42; R43; R44; R84; R86; R87; RO3; S11; S13; S43; S45; S45; S47; S47; S48; S48; S50; S53; W11; W13; W42; W42; W43; W45; W45; W50; W53; 20E; 22T; 24C; 24M; 28V; 39E; 41T; 43C; 45V; 48E; 50T; 52C; 55V; 72E; 74T; 76C; 78C; 79C; 81A; 82E; 84T; 86C; 87C; CC1; D53; G14; G44; G52; G54; G72; G76; G78; G82; NM1; P14; P44; P57; P71; P74; P76; P78; P84; R14; R15; R16; R17; R18; R51; R52; R57; R58; R62; R63; R67; R71; R89; R93; R96; R97; S14; S44; S50; S54; S70; S75; S76; S78; S80; W14; W44; W48; W54; W67; W76; W77; W78; Z33; 28V; 31E; 33T; 37C; 38C; 51E; 54T; 56C; 57C; 88V; BB1; G57; G87; OR1; OR3; OR4; OR5; P89; R28; R29; R31; R74; R78; R82; R98; S55; S85; SR1; US1; W52; W82; 6R6; 6R7; C21; C32; 6R9; C31; C54; C5D; F31; 6R8; 7R1; 7R2; 7R3; 7R4; 7R5; 7R6; 7R7; 7R8; 7R9; 7RO; 8R1; 8R2; 8R3; 8RO; C23; C33; C35; C53; C55; C57; C5H; C65; C66; C67; C69; C73; C75; C77; C79; C7H; F23; F35; F57; F69; F79; 5R5; M91; 2R5; 2R7; 2R8; M30; M35; M50; 2R6; 4R7; 4R8; M40; M54; M58; 3R0; 3R8; M60; M70; 3R4; 3R6; 4R1; 4R9; M31; M51; M52; M63; 2R9; 3R1; 3R3; 3R5; 3R7; 3R9; 4R0; 4R2; 4R3; M41; M53; M55; M56; M57; M61; M62; M71; M72; 5R1; 6R3; A10; A12; A14; 5R2; 5R3; 5R6; 5R8; 5R9; 6R0; 6R4; 6R5; A15; A40; A44; A45; A50; A51; A52; A90; A92; A94; 1R2; 66P; 67P; 86P; OR8; 1R1; 1R3; 1R5; 22P; 24P; 25P; 27P; 29P; 63P; 67P; 82P; 83P; OR6; OR7; OR9; 1R0; 1R1; 26P; 62P; 2R0; P30; 2R3; S15


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