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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-39WFP6

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TP 700,3550 Expansion Unit - 3270/B Communication Problems

Applicable to: World-Wide

The ThinkPad 700 can not communicate through the 3270/B adapter or can not utilize other types of IBM or OEM adapter functions that are installed in the 3550 docking station.
Diagnostic do not fail and the 3270 condition stays with the system units when the communication ports are changed.

The system operator or servicer reporting the 3270 adapter failure may also indicate a row of "Female" characters along the bottom of the display the female characters are from the international "Male/Female" symbols, and are described as "circles with plus signs below them."

Diagnostics do not fail and the 3270 condition stays with the system units when the communication ports are changed.

The system operator or servicer reporting the 3270 adapter failure may also indicate a row of "Female" characters along the bottom of the display. The female characters are from the international "Male/Female" symbols, and are described as "circles with plus signs below them."

Problem Isolation Aids:
Run view configuration. If the 3270 adapter is configured at DE00, the card will not work with some emulation applications. Running automatic configuration will address the 3270 adapter at DE00 and may also cause problems with other address sensitive adapters.
Check with the customer on other OEM adapter address requirements.

A function of auto configurations is to compress the memory assignments so there are no unused areas between them. This provides a larger area of contiguous memory that will enable the use of options and adapters with larger memory requirements. This works correctly in most cases, but some emulation programs require a specific adapter card address location.

Configuration will not assign this address. To use CE00 load the change configuration option. Move the cursor to the 3270 adapter line and press F6 until address CE00 appears. Then press F10 to save the change. Advise the customer that running an automatic configuration in the future will return the adapter to the failing address and require another manual change.

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 700, ThinkPad Docking Stations

Machine Type

8551, 9552, 3550




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