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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3CELVZ

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

IBM ValuePoint - Miscellaneous information

Applicable to: World-Wide

Hardware Compatibility:
PS/ValuePoint computers are designed to maintain compatibility with adapters, devices, and drives which fully support the following interfaces and physically fit into the computer.



Hard Disk Drives

AT Interface

I/O Adapter Cards

Adapters that are IBM AT compatible and operate at 8MHz

Diskette Drives

AT Interface

Math Coprocessor


Processor Upgrade



VGA or SVGA (operations at VGA or higher frequencies)
- Physical interface compatible with the IBM PS/2* VGA interface
- 512KB RAM VGA modes (dependent on computer Video DRAM):
- 640x480 (256 colors) standard resolution
- 800x600 (256 colors) medium-high resolution
- 1024x768 (16 colors) high resolution

1MB RAM VGA modes (dependent on computer Video DRAM):
- 640x480 (256 colors) standard resolution
- 800x600 (256 colors) medium-high resolutioný 1024x768 (256 colors) high resolution
- 1280x1024 (16 colors) high resolution

Keyboard IBM PS/2-compatible enhanced keyboard Device


9-pin connector with RS232D electrical interface



Pointing Device

IBM PS/2-compatible mouse

Keybvoard Device

IBM PS/2-compatible enhanced keyboard

** Trademark of the Intel Corporation.
* Trademark of the IBM Corporation.

Power-On Password:
A power-on password denies access to the computer by an unauthorized user when the computer is powered on. When a power-on password is active, the password prompt appears on the screen each time the computer is powered on. The computer starts after the proper password is entered.

Removing a Power-on Password:
To service a computer with an active and unknown power-on password, power-off the computer and do the following:

Remind the user to enter a new password when service is complete.

Type 6381 Computers:
1. Remove the battery for 10 minutes.
2. Reinstall the battery.
3. Power-on the computer. The password is erased from memory.

Type 6384 Computers Model 325T:
1. Move the jumper on J8 so that it connects the center pin and the pin on the opposite end of the connector.
2. Power-on the computer. The password is erased from memory. (Leave the jumper in that position until the next time you reset the password.)

Models 425SX, 433DX, and 466DX2:
1. Move the jumper on JP8 so that it connects pins 2 and 3.
2. Apply a momentary short across the two ends of capacitor C17.
3. Move the jumper on JP8 back to pins 1 and 2. The password is erased from memory.
4. While holding down both mouse buttons, power-on the computer. Release the mouse buttons when the cursor appears.
5. When you are finished servicing the machine, run the Configuration Utility program to restore the configuration settings.

Type 6382 /S, 6384 /D, and 6387 /T Computers Models 425SX /S, 425SX /D, 433SX /S, 433SX /D, 433DX /S, 433DX /D, 466DX2 /S, 433DX /T, 466DX2 /T, and 466DX2 /D:

1. Move the jumper on J9 (type 1 system board) or J15 (type 2 system board), so that it connects the center pin and the pin on the opposite end of the connector.
2. Power-on the computer. The password is erased from memory. (Leave the jumper in that position until the next time you reset the password.)

Type 6384 P60/D Computers:
1. Remove the battery for 10 minutes.
2. Reinstall the battery.
3. Power-on the computer. The password is erased from memory.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Hardware Maintenance Information

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family


Machine Type

6381, 6382, 6384, 6387




Retain Tip (if applicable)

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes