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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DSHY-43EQKK

TP General - Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4 overwrites PCMCIA.SYS

Applicable to: World-Wide

When installing Microsoft's Service Pack 4 for Windows NT version 4, pcmcia.sys, the PCMCIA card driver, is overwritten.

For CardWorks version 2 or earlier: CardWorks version 2.x or earlier must be removed before running the Service Pack. Per the Service Pack readme section 2.1, if the Service Pack is installed over the top of CardWorks version 2.x, "the operating system will no longer function."

For CardWorks version 3: the Service Pack will overwrite pcmcia.sys (without prompting to overwrite as it did with Service Pack 3) and cause socket services to stop functioning.
In this case, Event Viewer errors may include the following:
-The DrvMgr service terminated with the following error: The system could not find the environment option that was entered.
-PCCard: Could not create symbolic link to Pcmcia0 DOS device name.
-RESMAN: Cannot Open PCCard.sys driver.
-The following boot-start or system-start driver(s) failed to load: PCCard, Platform, resman, SSCrdBus, SS1365

Any machine with Windows NT 4 and SystemSoft CardWorks when installing Service Pack 4.

For CardWorks version 2: remove CardWorks before installing the Service Pack. Per SystemSoft, the makers of CardWorks, you must uninstall CardWorks before applying the Service Pack, then reinstall CardWorks after the Service Pack is applied.

For CardWorks version 3: Per the Service Pack readme, Section 3.4.6, "to work around this issue reinstall SystemSoft Card Wizard version 3.x or higher after installing Service Pack 4. Or you can copy PCMCIA.SYS from the Service Pack 4 Uninstall folder, $ntservicepacekuninstall$, to the \%systemroot%\System32\Drivers folder on your computer. Reboot the computer. You can either reinstall CardWorks, or copy PCMCIA.SYS back from the uninstall directory if you created one. "

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Windows NT, Software Installation/Configuration

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