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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DJON-3G7W5V

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Servers - Windows NT does not recognize a second processor

Applicable to: World-Wide

To update the system to two processors:

1. Put the Windows NT CD-ROM in the drive and change to the i386 directory.

2. Type WINNT /B to begin the upgrade process.

3. Right after reboot, a black screen with "Setup is inspecting your hardware configuration" is displayed for two seconds.

4. Press F5.

5. When prompted for HAL, choose "MPS Multiprocessor PC."

6. Follow the normal setup procedures (e.g., add appropriate mass storage device drivers). You should receive the message, "Found NT in C:\WINNT," where C: is the drive where NT is installed.

7. Let the system upgrade the existing copy.

8. When the upgrade has completed, reapply any service packs previously applied.

Search Keywords

Servers General, Windows NT

Hint Category

Windows NT

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IBM PC Server

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