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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3WENHE

TP 600,770/ED - Cannot use the ACP modem in Lotus applications

Applicable to: World-Wide

There is no choice under "Modem type" for the ACP modem installed on some ThinkPad 600 and 770/ED systems in Lotus Notes or cc:Mail.

Any ThinkPad 600, 770/ED using a Lotus application to dial out such as cc:Mail or Notes.

For Lotus Notes users who used the default directory structure, copy this file into the x:\notes\data\modems directory, where x: is the drive you installed Lotus Notes on. Run Lotus Notes. Under the "Modem type" section, choose "IBM Thinkpad ACP 56k modem". This will allow you to use your ACP modem with Lotus Notes.

for Notes: acp56no.mdm

For cc:Mail users of version 2.x who used the default directory structure, copy this file into the x:\ccMobile directory, where x: is the drive you installed cc:Mail on.
For cc:Mail users of version 6.x who used the default directory structure, copy this file into the x:\ccMobile directory, where x: is the drive you installed cc:Mail on.
For cc:Mail users of version 8.x who used the default directory structure, copy this file into the x:\lotus\ccMail\MDM directory, where x: is the drive you installed cc:Mail on.

Run cc:Mail. Under the "Modem type" section, choose "IBM Thinkpad ACP 56k modem". This will allow you to use your ACP modem with cc:Mail

for cc:Mail: acp56cc.mdm

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 600, ThinkPad 770, ThinkPad 770E/ED

Machine Type

2645, 2646, 9549




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