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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3W8FQ7

Netfinity 3500 - 1801 PCI/PNP errors with 2 ServeRAID II

Applicable to: World-Wide

- During system boot, the following error is displayed on the screen:

"1801 PCI/PNP Error! No space available to shadow ROM"

This error results in a hang condition.

Problem Isolation Aids
-The system is a Netfinity 3500 server Type 8644 model 10U, 20U, 21U, 29U, 10X, 20X, 21X that is properly configured with 2 or more ServeRAID II Adapters FRU p/n76H3587.

-The system is running any supported Network Operating System.

Remove all ServeRAID II Adapters configured in the system, disable the Onboard Ethernet Controller, re-install the ServeRAID II Adapters, disable the BIOS on all but one, then enable the Onboard Ethernet Controller using the following procedure:

1- With the system powered off, disconnect the power cord from the system.
2- Open the system side cover and note the ServeRAID II Adapters with respect to slot locations and attached SCSI cables.
3- Remove the SCSI cables from the adapters, then remove the adapters.
4- Close the system side cover, re-connect the power cord to the system, then power-up the system.
5- Press <F1> when prompted during boot, select "Devices and I/O ports", select "Ethernet Setup", disable the "Ethernet
Support", save and exit the Configuration/Setup Utility, then power-off the system.
6- With the system powered off, disconnect the power cord from the system.
7- Open the system side cover, re-install the adapters that were removed in step 3 to their original slot locations, then reconnect the SCSI cables to the adapters as noted in step 2.
8- Close the system side cover, re-connect the power cord to the system, then power-up the system. Upon boot, the system will suggest disabling the BIOS on all but one of the ServeRAID II Adapters.

Note: If one of the ServeRAID Adapters is the Primary Disk Subsystem (supports the logical Boot drive), then leave it's BIOS enabled.

Select "yes" when prompted to disable the unnecessary BIOS on the ServeRAID Adapter(s).

9- Cold-boot the system, press <F1> when prompted, select "Devices and I/O ports", select "Ethernet Setup", enable the "Ethernet Support", save and exit the Configuration/Setup Utility. The system will now boot normally.

The standard allocated ROM space in the system for Onboard Controllers and optional adapters is exceeded when the BIOS is enabled on two or more ServeRAID II Adapters configured in the system (ServeRAID II Adapter uses more system ROM space when it's BIOS is enabled). Temporarily disabling the Onboard Ethernet Controller results in less ROM space use allowing the system to boot properly so that the Configuration Setup Utility may be accessed to disable the unnecessary BIOS on more than one ServeRAID II Adapter(s) to be loaded in the allocated ROM space. With this reduction of ROM space use by the additional ServeRAID II Adapter(s), the Onboard Ethernet Adapter may be enabled without the total configuration exceeding the standard allocated ROM space.

PSY2, D/T8644, UNCLASSIFIED, 1801, PCI/PNP, SHADOW, ROM, ERROR, SERVERAID II, ONBOARD, ETHERNET, BOOT, 10U, 20U, 21U, 29U, 10X, 20X, 21X, 76H3587, H13423

Search Keywords

PSY2, D/T8644, UNCLASSIFIED, 1801, PCI/PNP, SHADOW, ROM, ERROR, SERVERAID II, ONBOARD, ETHERNET, BOOT, 10U, 20U, 21U, 29U, 10X, 20X, 21X, 76H3587, H13423

Hint Category

RAID, Error Messages, Retain

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 3500, ServeRAID

Machine Type

8644, Various




Retain Tip (if applicable)


Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes

USA=A, EMA=A, AFE=A, Date last altered: A98/07/08, Owning B.U.:USA