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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-3DHHKJ

IBM PC Server/IBM PS/2 - Mouse port disabled by unattended start mode

Applicable to: World-Wide

Service Information:
The use of the unattended start mode * on PS/2 systems will disable the mouse port. This is normal system operation and should not be considered a defect. Disabling the mouse port is required to maintain security of the system when using unattended start mode.

* Also called "Network Server Mode".

More Information:
When the unattended start mode is selected the keyboard/mouse controller is disabled until a password is entered. While disabled the system can not recognise a pointing device attached to the mouse port, and consequently does not load the appropriate device driver. Since the driver did not load, the pointing device will continue to be inoperative even after the password is entered. Loading the correct device driver after the password is entered will allow normal operation of the pointing device. Special considerations must be taken when using the unattended start mode. Customers should be advised to consult their Hardware and Software reference documentation for set-up requirements related to the use of unattended start mode.

D/T8525 D/T8530 D/T8535 D/T8540
D/T8543 D/T8551 D/T8554 D/T8550
D/T8555 D/T8556 D/T8557 D/T8573
D/T8560 D/T8565 D/T8570 D/T9576
D/T8580 D/T8590 D/T8595 D/T9585
D/T9577 D/T9556 D/T9557 D/T9595
D/T9533 PSY2 D/T6384 D/T6381
D/T6382 D/T6387

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Retain, Input Devices

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Product Family


Machine Type

8530, 8535, 8540, 8550, 8555, 8556, 8557, 8560, 8565, 8570, 8573, 8580, 8590, 8595, 9533, 9553, 9556, 9557, 9576, 9577




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