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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3YVFV7

PC Server 330 / Netfinity 5500 - Drives may not automatically rebuild in RAID environment

Applicable to: World-Wide

Source: RETAIN tip H164810

Drive(s) replaced in a ServeRAID II Logical RAID 1 or RAID 5, are not rebuilt automatically.

- The system is one of the following:

Netfinity server 5500, Type 8660, all models.

PC Server 330, Type 8640, model Pxx or xxY.

- The system is properly configured with one or more ServeRAID II Adapters.

- The ServeRAID II controller is supporting RAID1 and/or RAID5 logical drives.

- The ServeRAID II controller's firmware level is 2.82.

- The system is configured with supported Hot-swap hard drives.

- The Auto-Rebuild feature was set to "Enabled" when the array(s) were originally created.

NOTE: All IBM ServeRAID adapters and IBM Servers with IBM ServeRAID technology integrated on the controller are shipped with the Hot-Swap Rebuild feature DISABLED. Those customers who have accepted the default settings will not be affected by this. This note only applies to customers who have used the IBM ServeRAID configuration program to enable this feature at the setup time.

The auto rebuild feature will be "Enabled" by default in a future release of the ServeRAID II firmware, (2.86 and higher).

When DDD drives are replaced in a system, the user must manually start the rebuild process. The user may use the IBM ServeRAID administration program (for NT 4.0 servers/clients or Window 95 clients), the IBM ServeRAID configuration program, or the IPSSEN D command line interface to start the rebuild.

To rebuild using the IBM ServeRAID configuration utility, use the following steps.

To rebuild a physical drive, do the following:

1. Start the ServeRAID configuration program (refer to "Starting the Configuration Program").

2. Select Rebuild/Device Management from the Main Menu; then, press Enter.

3. Select Rebuild Drive from the Rebuild/Device Management menu. The cursor is active in the Array/Bay selection list.

4. A pop-up window appears. Select one of the following.

Select Same Location if you physically replaced a hard disk drive in the same bay; then, press Enter. A Confirm pop-up window appears. Select Yes and continue with step 5.

Select New Location to assign a hard disk drive in a new location. Use the Up Arrow or Down Arrow keys to select the replacement drive that you want to use for the rebuild operation; then, press Enter.

Information and status messages about each stage of the rebuild process appear on the screen. Continue with step 5.

5. When the rebuild process completes, press Esc to return to the Main Menu. The new configuration is saved.

6. Backup the new configuration to a diskette (refer to "Backup Up Your Disk-Array Configuration").

7. Select Exit to leave the ServeRAID configuration program.

8. Remove the diskette and press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart the server.

For customers using IBM ServeRAID Administration and Monitoring Utility

Rebuilding a Device

When a hard disk drive goes defunct (DDD), a Rebuild operation is required to reconstruct the data for the device in its respective disk array. Only RAID level 1 and RAID level 5 logical drives are reconstructed. RAID level 0 logical drives containing data cannot be reconstructed and therefore will be marked blocked. (Refer to "Unblocking a Logical Drive" for more information.)

To perform a Rebuild operation, do the following:

1. Click on the DDD device on the Main Screen of the Administration and Monitoring Utility.

2. Click on Rebuild Device.

3. Select a RDY drive for the reconstructed data, or click on OK to use the same bay if you have replaced the device.

4. The reconstruction automatically begins and reports progress information on the screen.

1. Only one Rebuild operation can be performed at a time.

2. The Rebuild operation changes the hard disk drive state from DDD to RBL if the array contains a CRT logical drive. After the Rebuild operation completes, the hard disk drive state changes from RBL to ONL. (If you have rebuilt to a RDY drive, the DDD drive is removed from the disk array and becomes a defunct hot-spare (DHS).)

3. The hard disk drive being rebuilt must be the same size or larger than the failed drive.

4. If a hot-spare (HSP) drive is available, a Rebuild operation will start automatically.

5. If multiple hot-spare (HSP) drives are available, the adapter searches all the bays on each channel for a hot-spare drive of the appropriate size. The first appropriate hot-spare drive found enters the Rebuild (RBL) state.

All IBM ServeRAID adapters and IBM Servers with IBM ServeRAID technology integrated on the motherboard are shipped with the Hot-Swap Rebuild feature DISABLED.

Those customers who have accepted the default settings will not be affected by this. This note only applies to customers who have used the IBM ServeRAID configuration program to enable this feature at the setup time.


Search Keywords

Hint Category

RAID, Retain

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

Netfinity 5500, PC Server 330, ServeRAID

Machine Type

8660, 8640, Various



Retain Tip (if applicable)


Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes

Date last altered: A98/10/01