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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: VLAR-42XQR5

35/70GB DLT Tape Drives - Avoiding basic problems

Applicable to: World-Wide

Follow these guidelines when operating the DLT subsystem to avoid basic problems:

Caution: Do not touch exposed portions of the magnetic tape. If the tape leader is not in the correct position, use a new cartridge.

Note: During Manual mode, the cartridge returns to the magazine, but the current slot indicator does not advance to the next available cartridge. The DLT magazine subsystem products are designed to run sequentially in the automatic and locked modes; however, some application software products can access the cartridges using random selection.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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IBM Options

Product Family

Tape Drives

Machine Type

35.x GB


04K0149; 01K1174; 00K7900


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