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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-398E5R

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IBM PC330/PC350 - System hangs and trap errors

Applicable to: World-Wide

IBM PC 300 Series systems (Intel 486 based models) 6571, 6573, 6581, and 6583 may exhibit intermittent trap C,D,or E errors running OS/2, or intermittent system hang conditions with other operating systems and applications such as Microsoft Windows.

Problem Isolation Aids:
System hang conditions and trap C,D or E errors are most commonly due to:-
1. Known operating system, application or device driver defects.
2. Incorrect software/driver setup.
3. Improper memory management configuration.
4. Unavailable system resources.
5. Improperly configured or conflicting adapter cards.
6. Hardware failures or component tolerances

Verify that the appropriate system resources are available for all installed adapters by reviewing :

The PC 300 Series system may also contribute to what may appear to be a software related failure. This exposure should be addressed in the following manner:-
1. Perform all system unit diagnostics routines using the IBM PC 300/700 Advanced Diagnostic diskette (QAPlus/PRO 5.28 or higher).
2. Ensure that the memory installed is the correct IBM FRU part number. Eliminate non-IBM memory during the troubleshooting of an intermittent problem.
3. Verify that the IBM 8Mb memory SIMM installed contains the following information on the barcode label:

Barcode Header - B14RH
Product codes - V3AJ, V3AQ or V3AT
Manufacturing P/N05H0906
Option P/N92G7541
FRU P/N92G7542

This information is contained please double-click here: which lists several types of memory SIMM's that are unsupported in the PC 300 Series systems.

Problem determination of a suspected memory problem should only be performed using supported types of memory SIMM's. If the system contains an 8Mb memory SIMM that matches either the criteria above OR any of the other unsupported SIMM's listed replace the SIMM.

Contact the appropriate technical support for the operating system being used to determine if the traps or system hangs are being caused by known operating system, driver or software problems. Correct memory management and application driver setup should also be verified.

If the failure persists continue normal problem determination procedures to isolate the failing application or FRU.

Note: Windows is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Error Messages, Lock-up/Hang, Memory

Date Created


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Product Family

PC 330, PC 350

Machine Type

6571, 6573, 6581, 6583




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