15.508 bytes

Preloaded Software Information

Document ID: RMIE-3HSC6W

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

IBM PC - Commercial desktop preload p/ns

Applicable to: World-Wide

The following Preload Backup Diskette Packages will be available to the Country Service channels prior to the General Availability of the product:

Fee Preload Backup diskettes for the VP Performance Series:

DOS 6.3/Windows 3.1/3.11 Part Number

Arabic 8130602 Norwegian 8130623
Belgium/French 8130603 Polish 8130624
Belgium/Dutch 8130604 Portuguese 8130625
Belgium/UK 8130605 Romanian 8130626
Bulgarian 8130606 Russian/Cyrillic 8130627
Czech 8130607 Serbian/Cyrillic 8130628
Danish 8130608 Slovak 8130629
Dutch 8130609 South African 8130630
Dutch/US 8130610 Spain 8130631
Finnish 8130611 Swedish 8130632
Finnish/UK 8130612 Swedish/UK 8130633
French 8130613 Swiss/French 8130634
German 8130614 Swiss/German 8130635
Greek 8130615 Swiss/Italian 8130636
Hebrew 8130616 Swiss/UK 8130637
Hungarian 8130617 Swiss/US 8130638
Iceland 8130618 Turkey (KBD ID 179) 8130639
Italian 8130619 Turkey (KBD ID 440) 8130640
Luxemburg/French 8130620 UK 8130641
Luxemburg/German 8130621 US 8130642
Luxemburg/UK 8130622 Yugoslav/Latin 8130643

OS/2 Quickload Part Number

Arabic (preload) 8125346 Italian 8125352
Danish 8125347 Norwegian 8125353
Dutch 8125348 Portuguese 8125354
Finnish 8125349 Spanish 8125355
French 8125350 Swedish 8125356
German 8125351 UK English 8125357
Hebrew (preload) 8125359 US English 8125358

Fee Ship Group Diskettes

o SVGA and DIAG Diskettes p/n 93G8364


DOS / WINDOWS Backup Disks


COUNTRY/ DOS WINDOWS Common Additional P/N
LANGUAGE 6.3 3.11/1 Part No for 6571/6581
------------- ------ ----------- ------- --------------
1 Arabic UKE Arabic 3.1 8126902 8126911
2 Czech UKE Czech 3.1 8126903 8126911
3 Danish Danish Danish 3.1 8126897 8126911
4 Dutch Dutch Dutch 3.1 8126896 8126911
5 Finnish Finn Finnish 3.1 8126900 8126911
6 French French French 3.1 8126892 8126911
7 German German German 3.1 8126893 8126911
8 Hebrew USE Hebrew 3.1 8126904 8126911
9 Hungarian UKE Hungary 3.1 8126905 8126911
10 Italian Italy Italian 3.1 8126894 8126911
11 Norwegian Norwe Norway 3.1 8126898 8126911
12 Polish UKE Polish 3.1 8126906 8126911
13 Portuguese Port Portu 3.1 8126901 8126911
14 Romania UKE East EU 3.1 8126907 8126911
15 Russian Cy Russ Russian 3.1 8126908 8126911
16 Spanish Span Spanish 3.1 8126895 8126911
17 Swedish Swed Swedish 3.1 8126899 8126911
18 Turkish UKE Turkish 3.1 8126909 8126911
19 UKE UKE UKE 3.1 8126891 8126911
20 USE USE USE 3.1 8126910 8126911

COUNTRY/ DOS WINDOWS Common Additional P/N
LANGUAGE 6.3 3.11/1 Part No for 6575/6585
------------- ------ ----------- ------- --------------
1 Arabic UKE Arabic 3.1 8126902 8126912
2 Czech UKE Czech 3.1 8126903 8126912
3 Danish Danish Danish 3.1 8126897 8126912
4 Dutch Dutch Dutch 3.1 8126896 8126912
5 Finnish Finn Finnish 3.1 8126900 8126912
6 French French French 3.1 8126892 8126912
7 German German German 3.1 8126893 8126912
8 Hebrew USE Hebrew 3.1 8126904 8126912
9 Hungarian UKE Hungary 3.1 8126905 8126912
10 Italian Italy Italian 3.1 8126894 8126912
11 Norwegian Norwe Norway 3.1 8126898 8126912
12 Polish UKE Polish 3.1 8126906 8126912
13 Portuguese Port Portu 3.1 8126901 8126912
14 Romania UKE East EU 3.1 8126907 8126912
15 Russian Cy Russ Russian 3.1 8126908 8126912
16 Spanish Span Spanish 3.1 8126895 8126912
17 Swedish Swed Swedish 3.1 8126899 8126912
18 Turkish UKE Turkish 3.1 8126909 8126912
19 UKE UKE UKE 3.1 8126891 8126912
20 USE USE USE 3.1 8126910 8126912

COUNTRY/ DOS WINDOWS Common Additional P/N
LANGUAGE 6.3 3.11/1 Part No for 6875/6885
------------- ------ ----------- ------- --------------
1 Arabic UKE Arabic 3.1 8126902 8126913
2 Czech UKE Czech 3.1 8126903 8126913
3 Danish Danish Danish 3.1 8126897 8126913
4 Dutch Dutch Dutch 3.1 8126896 8126913
5 Finnish Finn Finnish 3.1 8126900 8126913
6 French French French 3.1 8126892 8126913
7 German German German 3.1 8126893 8126913
8 Hebrew USE Hebrew 3.1 8126904 8126913
9 Hungarian UKE Hungary 3.1 8126905 8126913
10 Italian Italy Italian 3.1 8126894 8126913
11 Norwegian Norwe Norway 3.1 8126898 8126913
12 Polish UKE Polish 3.1 8126906 8126913
13 Portuguese Port Portu 3.1 8126901 8126913
14 Romania UKE East EU 3.1 8126907 8126913
15 Russian Cy Russ Russian 3.1 8126908 8126913
16 Spanish Span Spanish 3.1 8126895 8126913
17 Swedish Swed Swedish 3.1 8126899 8126913
18 Turkish UKE Turkish 3.1 8126909 8126913
19 UKE UKE UKE 3.1 8126891 8126913
20 USE USE USE 3.1 8126910 8126913

COUNTRY/ DOS WINDOWS Common Additional P/N
LANGUAGE 6.3 3.11/1 Part No for 6876/6886
------------- ------ ----------- ------- --------------
1 Arabic UKE Arabic 3.1 8126902 8126914
2 Czech UKE Czech 3.1 8126903 8126914
3 Danish Danish Danish 3.1 8126897 8126914
4 Dutch Dutch Dutch 3.1 8126896 8126914
5 Finnish Finn Finnish 3.1 8126900 8126914
6 French French French 3.1 8126892 8126914
7 German German German 3.1 8126893 8126914
8 Hebrew USE Hebrew 3.1 8126904 8126914
9 Hungarian UKE Hungary 3.1 8126905 8126914
10 Italian Italy Italian 3.1 8126894 8126914
11 Norwegian Norwe Norway 3.1 8126898 8126914
12 Polish UKE Polish 3.1 8126906 8126914
13 Portuguese Port Portu 3.1 8126901 8126914
14 Romania UKE East EU 3.1 8126907 8126914
15 Russian Cy Russ Russian 3.1 8126908 8126914
16 Spanish Span Spanish 3.1 8126895 8126914
17 Swedish Swed Swedish 3.1 8126899 8126914
18 Turkish UKE Turkish 3.1 8126909 8126914
19 UKE UKE UKE 3.1 8126891 8126914
20 USE USE USE 3.1 8126910 8126914

OS/2 Warp Preload Backup Disks

COUNTRY/ Common P/N for P/N for
LANGUAGE Part No 6571/6581 6575/6585
DANISH 8126915 8126911 8126912
DUTCH 8126916 8126911 8126912
FINLAND 8126917 8126911 8126912
FRENCH 8126918 8126911 8126912
GERMAN 8126919 8126911 8126912
ITALIAN 8126920 8126911 8126912
NORWAY 8126921 8126911 8126912
PORTUGAL 8126922 8126911 8126912
SPAIN 8126923 8126911 8126912
SWEDEN 8126924 8126911 8126912
UK ENGLISH 8126925 8126911 8126912
US ENGLISH 8126926 8126911 8126912

COUNTRY/ Common P/N for P/N for
LANGUAGE Part No 6875/6885 6876/6886
DANISH 8126915 8126927 8126928
DUTCH 8126916 8126927 8126928
FINLAND 8126917 8126927 8126928
FRENCH 8126918 8126927 8126928
GERMAN 8126919 8126927 8126928
ITALIAN 8126920 8126927 8126928
NORWAY 8126921 8126927 8126928
PORTUGAL 8126922 8126927 8126928
SPAIN 8126923 8126927 8126928
SWEDEN 8126924 8126927 8126928
UK ENGLISH 8126925 8126927 8126928
US ENGLISH 8126926 8126927 8126928


6576/6586 Preload Recovery / Preload Backup.

Backup CD Select A System

Part No.
UK ENG 34H0296
French 34H0297
German 34H0298
Italy 34H0299
Danmark 34H0300
Sweden 34H0301
Spain 34H0302
Holland 34H0303
Norway 34H0304
Finland 34H0305
Portuga 34H0306
Greek 34H0307
Hebrew 34H0308
Arabic 34H0309

(DOS/Windows, only) 3.5inch DISKETTE

Russia 8126945
Polish 8126946
Turkey 8126947
Romania 8126948
Hungary 8126949
Czech 8126950

Windows95 Recovery CD part numbers for IBM 6576 6586.

Win95 Recovery CDs.

Language Part Number
------------- -----------

UK English 79H3118
French 79H3121
German 79H3124
Italian 79H3127
Danish 79H3130
Swedish 79H3133
Spanish 79H3136
Dutch 79H3139
Norwegian 79H3142
Finnish 79H3145
Portuguese 79H3148

Selecta System Recovery CD part numbers for IBM 6877 6887.

Selecta System Recovery CDs.

SelectaSystem Backup CD

Select one of the following, depending on the Model on which the
backup is to be restored :

Graphics SaS Network SaS DSP SaS
============= ============== =============
Matrox Millenium Ethernet/ DSP
Token Ring

Backup CD Backup CD Backup CD
Part No. Part No. Part No.
======== ======== ========
Danish 77H6661 77H6661 77H6685
Dutch 77H6662 77H6662 77H6686
Finnish 77H6663 77H6663
French 77H6664 77H6664 77H6688
German 77H6665 77H6665 77H6689
Italian 77H6666 77H6666
Norwegian 77H6667 77H6667
Portuguese 77H6668 77H6668
Spanish 77H6669 77H6669
Swedish 77H6670 77H6670 77H6694
UK-English 77H6671 77H6671 77H6695

Windows 95 Recovery CD part numbers for IBM 6877 6887.

Win95 Recovery CDs.

Windows 95 Backup CD

The Windows 95 Backup CD may only be :
- Ordered by IBM Service, for use by IBM Service
- Ordered by an end-user with a Windows 95 licence via Helpware,

where available, for use by the end-user or by IBM Service

Graphics Win95 DSP Win95
============== ===============
Ethernet Ethernet
Token Ring Token Ring
Matrox Millennium DSP

Backup CD Backup CD
Part No. Part No.
======== ========
Danish 77H6697 77H6709
Dutch 77H6698 77H6710
Finnish 77H6699
French 77H6700 77H6712
German 77H6701 77H6713
Italian 77H6702
Norwegian 77H6703
Portuguese 77H6704
Spanish 77H6705
Swedish 77H6706 77H6718
UK-English 77H6707 77H6719

Software Product:
EDOC Number:
Announce Date:
GA Date:
Service End Date:
Program Services:

Search Keywords

Document Category

Preloaded Software

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family

PC 330, PC 350, PC 730, PC 750, PS/2, ValuePoint

Machine Type

6571, 6573, 6575, 6576, 6577, 6581, 6583, 6585, 6586, 6587, 6876, 6877, 6885, 6886, 6887, 6381, 6382, 6384, 6387, 6472, 6482, 6484, 6492, 6494, 8530, 8535, 8540, 8550, 8555, 8556, 8557, 8560, 8565, 8570, 8573, 8580, 8590, 8595, 9533, 9553, 9556, 9557, 9576, 9577




Retain Tip (if applicable)

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes