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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: JBAR-3CAKH9

IBM PC - Installing/Upgrading OS/2 video drivers

Applicable to: World-Wide

The following steps must be performed before you install the graphics-accelerator device driver:
1. You must have OS/2 DOS Support installed.
2. If you previously installed SVGA support, you must reset the resolution to VGA mode, using the procedures in the following section.
3. The device driver installation diskette must contain a diskette volume label of "S3 DRV1" (without the quotation marks). The volume label may be applied using the OS/2 LABEL command.
4. After driver installation, the OS/2 SYSLEVEL command can be used to confirm the new driver version level. Following execution of the SYSLEVEL command, look for SYSLEVEL.VID.

For example:
Version 2.85 Component ID 562107701
Current CSD level: S328507
Prior CSD level: S328507
In this case the current version level is S3 2.85.07.

Setting OS/2 Warp/Merlin to VGA Mode
If you are installing this driver on OS/2 Warp/Merlin , do the following:
1. Turn on your computer. If your computer is already on, press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart it.
2. When a small white box appears in the upper-left corner of your screen, press Alt+F1.
3. When the Recovery Choices screen appears, press V.

Your video subsystem is now restored to work in VGA mode. If you want to install a new video adapter refer to Chapter 16 "Video Procedures," in the User's Guide to OS/2 Warp/Merlin.

Setting OS/2 2.1x to VGA Mode
If you are installing this driver on OS/2 2.1, 2.11 or OS/2 for Windows, and you installed from diskettes, do the following:
NOTE: If your monitor has lost synchronization, start OS/2 using the OS/2 Installation Diskette. When prompted insert diskette 1, press F3 to display a command prompt, and then use the following instructions to reset your display mode.

1. Under OS/2 2.1, before running RSPDSPI, delete the following file:

2. Under OS/2 2.11, before running RSPDSPI, delete the following file:

3. Be sure RSPDSPI.EXE is in the \OS2\INSTALL directory. If it is go to step 6. If it is not, insert Diskette 8 into into drive A and unpack RSPDSPI.EXE with the following command:
where A: is the drive containing Diskette 8, and C: is the drive where OS/2 is installed.

4. Type C: and then press Enter.

5. Type CD C:\OS2\INSTALL and then press Enter.

6. Type the following:
In /T:C:, C: is the target drive where OS/2 is installed. In /S:A:, A: is the source diskette drive for installing the device driver.
Then press Enter.

7. In some cases you will get screen instructions telling you to "Insert the diskette with the following label into drive A: Display Driver Diskette 1. Then press Enter". Please follow these instructions.

8. Perform a shutdown and restart your computer.

Preparation for a CD-ROM or LAN Installation
If you are installing this device driver on OS/2 2.1, 2.11 or OS/2 for Windows, and you installed from CD-ROM or a LAN, do the following:
1. Under OS/2 2.1, before running RSPDSPI, delete the following file:

2. Under OS/2 2.11, before running RSPDSPI, delete the following file:

3. Be sure RSPDSPI.EXE is in the \OS2\INSTALL directory. If it is go to step 6. If it is not, unpack RSPDSPI.EXE with the following command:
where C: is the drive where OS/2 is installed, and E: is the CD-ROM or LAN drive.

4. Type C: and then press Enter.

5. Type CD C:\OS2\INSTALL and then press Enter.

6. Type the following:
In /T:C:, C: is the target drive where OS/2 is installed.
In /S:E:, E: is the source CD-ROM or LAN drive.
Then press Enter.

7. Perform a shutdown and restart your computer.

Installing from Diskette
To install the graphics-accelerated device driver from diskette, do the following:
1. If system is not in VGA mode, select VGA mode.

2. Insert the driver installation diskette into drive A (or any other diskette drive). In the following sequence the A drive is assumed.

3. Open an OS/2 full-screen or OS/2 window session.

4. At the OS/2 command prompt, type the following command to copy all necessary files to the OS/2 drive:
where A: is the diskette drive which contains the device driver installation diskette.
Then press Enter.

5. When prompted to do so, remove the diskette from drive A, perform a shut down, and then restart your computer.

6. Open the OS/2 System folder.

7. Open the System Setup folder.

8. Open the Display Driver Install object. When the Display Driver Install window appears, select Primary Display Driver and then select OK.

9. When the Display Driver Select window appears, select the device driver for installation by specifying the S3 graphics chip set in use on your system. For example, "S3 Trio64/64V+ [32 bit] Version 2.85.02" to install the device driver on a system with either the Trio64 or Trio64V+ chip sets.

10. When the Monitor Configuration/Selection Utility window appears, the "Install Using Defaults for Monitor Type" choice is preselected. You can accept this choice or select "Install Using Display Adapter Utility Program" to choose a different refresh rate. Then select OK.

If you select the "Install Using Display Adapter Utility Pram" choice, you must have the DOS monitor utility program that came with your display adapter. Contact the display adapter manufacturer's technical support for information on how to use the monitor utility program under OS/2.
NOTE: DSPINSTL determines the hardware configuration by creating the \OS2\SVGADATA.PMI file. If the \OS2\SVGADATA.PMI file has not been created, the adapter will not be supported. This process can take several seconds and will black-out the screen.

11. When the Source Directory pop-up window appears, insert the graphics-accelerator driver diskette into drive A. At this point the source directory must specify the drive containing the installation diskette (e.g. A:). If necessary change the source directory, then select Install.

12. When the installation is complete, shut down your system, remove the diskette, and restart your computer.

13. When the system has restarted:
a. Open the OS/2 System folder.
b. Open the System Setup folder.
c. Open the System object.
d. When the Settings notebook appears, select the Screen tab. If your monitor has been detected as Plug and-Play (DDC) compatible, go to step 15b.

14. On Screen page 2, select your display from the display list. If your display does not appear in the list, select Default. It might be necessary to restart your computer to have all refresh rate options available.

15. When the system has restarted:
a. Open the System object and select Screen page 1, as in step 13.
b. Select a screen resolution and a screen refresh rate.
c. Close the Settings notebook.
d. Perform a shutdown and restart your computer.

During the installation of this driver, DISPLAY.LOG and DSPINSTL.LOG files are created in the OS/2\INSTALL directory. These files identify the OS/2 system files that were updated and indicate whether the installation was successful. The contents of these files might be useful if you need to report an installation problem.

If the video memory size is changed after the device driver is installed, the device driver must be reinstalled in order for the system to recognize the change. Not reinstalling the driver might result in serious system problems.

When starting a Windows session from a DOS command line, use the WINOS2 command rather than the WIN command. Additionally, you must modify the C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT file. Place the following line anywhere after the "@ECHO.OFF" line in the AUTOEXEC.BAT: COPY C:\WINDOWS\WINOS2.COM C:\WINDOWS\WIN.COM

Installing in a CID Environment
Notes :
The server must contain a directory named S3_DRVS on the same drive where the OS/2 diskettes reside. The S3_DRVS directory must contain all of the files from the graphics-accelerator device driver installation diskette.

OS/2 must have been successfully installed on the client using the CID (Configuration Installation Distribution) method.

To install the graphics-accelerator device driver using CID, use the following information to modify your LCU command file.

NOTE: The following information is meant as a guide. Your LCU command file might be different.


x.s3video = 15
x.15.name='S3 Video'
x.15.statevar = 'CAS_' || x.15.name
x.15.instprog = 'x:\img\s3_drvs\SETUP.CMD',
' /s:x:\img\s3_drvs /u '
x.15.rspdir = ''
x.15.default = ''

x.s3dspinstl = 16
x.16.name='S3 CID Dspinstl'
x.16.statevar = 'CAS_' || x.16.name
x.16.instprog = bootdrive || '\os2\install\DSPINSTL.EXE',
' /pd:' || bootdrive || '\os2\install\00S3.DSC',
' /s:x:\img\s3_drvs',
' /t:' || bootdrive,
' /res:640x480x256',
' /u'
x.16.rspdir = ''
x.16.default = ''




when OVERALL_STATE = 2 then do
if RunInstall(x.s3video) == BAD_RC then exit
Call CheckBoot
when OVERALL_STATE = 3 then do
if RunInstall(x.s3dspinstl) == BAD_RC then exit
Call CheckBoot


Following is an explanation of the line that is executed in the LCU command file:
C:\OS2\INSTALL\DSPINSTL /pd:c:\os2\install\00S3.DSC /S:X:\img\s3_drvs /T:C: /res:640x480x256 /u /pd:c:\os2\install\00S3.DSC
is the dsc laid down during setup phase.

where X:\img\s3_drvs is the redirected source path.

where C: is the drive where OS/2 is installed.

is a resolution/color depth from the list of "Supported Resolutions" that appears earlier in this README. In this example 256 colors is specified. Enter "64K" to specify 65,536 colors or "16M" to specify 16,777,216 colors.

means Unattended installation.

Notes :
After a CID installation the end user should go to section 3.0 "Installing from Diskette " and continue with step 12.

Be sure you have the stated video memory required, as listed in "Supported Resolutions" earlier in this README. A safe choice is 640x480x256. Any of the listed resolutions can be selected, but your display might be damaged if you select a resolution that your display does not support.

After the graphics-accelerator device driver has been successfully installed on the client machine using the CID method and the client machine is restarted, the resolution will be as specified by command line argument.

1. CID install pauses due to SVGA.EXE loading in the background. Work around: In the CID install script, do not initiate any other processes until DISPINSTL completes execution. Ensure that no other processes are running during CID install. This can be accomplished by adding the following line to the CONFIGSYSLINE keyword of the CID response file:

2. DISPINSTL does not allow CID selection of monitor and refresh rate.

Work Around :
* A system with the same graphics subsystem and monitor configured with this graphics-accelerator device driver, the correct display type, the desired resolution and refresh rate.

Step 1: Copy Configured Video/Display Data Files
* copy the video and display data files containing information about the display type, resolution and refresh rate to the CID server (\img\svgadata).
> copy \os2\svgadata.pmi x:\img\svgadata
> copy \os2\video.cfg x:\img\svgadata

Step 2: Create CID Command File
* create a command file to copy svgadata.pmi and video.cfg to the client system's \OS2 directory via CID.
* reboot the client system.
* the client system will be configured with the correct driver, display type, resolution and refresh rate.

3. In all modes, video corruption or out-of-sync screen is displayed when using Alt+Esc to switch between WIN-OS/2, OS/2, DOS window and DOS full-screen sessions started from the Startup folder. To avoid this situation, do not start sessions from the Startup folder or press Alt+Esc several times to restore.

4. Some programs, such as WINBENCH95, WINBENCH96, and After Dark 3.0. were written specifically for the Windows environment. In the Windows environment, these programs prevent any keystrokes from interfering with their proper execution.
However, in the OS/2 environment, it is possible to switch context away from the Windows session without notifying these programs. General Protection Faults (GPSs) may result. Therefore, context switching during the execution of WINBINCH95 and WINBENCH96 tests is not recommended. Also, context switching during the execution of the After Dark 3.0 demo is not recommended.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

OS/2, Video

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Product Family

PC 100, PC 330, PC 350, PC 730, PC 750, PS/2, ValuePoint

Machine Type




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