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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3NCA9Y

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TP 700,720,360,750,755 - Quick Charger Operation

Applicable to: World-Wide

When the quick charger is used for charging ThinkPad batteries, occasionally the battery is not fully charged and will last 20 to 30 minutes when used in the system unit.

Problem Isolation Aids:
Such a situation will occur when the battery to be charged is in an over discharge state.

The following procedure should be used to obtain the normal charge capacity and battery life, Operation:
1. Insert the battery to Quick charger.
2. Quick charge the battery.
3. Remove the battery from Quick charger.
4. Repeat from 1. to 3. several times.

Affected P/Ns :-
Battery 66G2846/49G2166
Quick Charger 66G2843/49G2170

Models affected:-
TP700/720/360 /750 /755

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 360, ThinkPad 700, ThinkPad 720, ThinkPad 750, ThinkPad 755C/CS

Machine Type

2620, 9552, 9545




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