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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-38BHB3

IBM ValuePoint - System hangs when restarted using 'Ctrl-Alt-Del'

Applicable to: World-Wide

When you use the Artist Graphics VL Video card with SVGA drivers, a hang condition occurs after you exit from Windows and press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart your computer. The machines affected are 64xx.

The root cause occurs when the Artist Graphics Device Driver is loaded, it enables memory on its card; this memory is located on the local bus. This memory is not expected by the system. When you press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart your computer, the system performs a memory test on shadow RAM. Because the memory on the card is on the local bus, the Artist Graphics card must assert LDEV for control, but does so too slowly. The test (write/read/compare) writes data to main memory and then to card memory, which fails the compare. The system issues a halt.

Problem Isolation Aids:
The problem occurs in a PC DOS 6.3 or Windows 3.11 and Artist Graphics Windows Accelerator VL environment.
If the system hangs when the computer is in VGA mode and you press Ctrl+Alt+Del, this fix does not apply.

For a temporary fix, turn your computer off and then back on to restart it. Do not restart your computer by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del.
For a permanent fix, update system flash BIOS to level 65A or later. (This later level code does not perform the shadow RAM test when you press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart your computer.)
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Search Keywords

DOS, Windows

Hint Category

Adapter Cards, Lock-up/Hang, Video

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date




Product Family


Machine Type

6472, 6482, 6484, 6492, 6494




Retain Tip (if applicable)

Reverse Doclinks
and Admin Purposes