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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3NHL83

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

TP 760C/CD/L/LD - Kingston Memory Recall

Applicable to: United States

Service Information:

Kingston Technology Corporation has announced a recall of its memory DIMM card designed for selected ThinkPad 760 notebook computers. This Kingston product is not marketed by IBM. Only Kingston memory part number KTM-TP 760/16 designed for use in the ThinkPad 760C, CD, L, and LD is affected.

Newer ThinkPad 760E, 760ED, 760EL, and 760ELD models do not support these DIMMs. Memory DIMMs from Options by IBM, or ThinkPad Proven are also not affected by this Kingston announcement.

If you have a different model of the ThinkPad, this recall does not affect you. If your ThinkPad 760 has less than 24 megabytes of memory or you are sure you do not have Kingston memory cards installed your machine, this recall does not affect you.

If you have 24 megabytes of RAM or more installed and you know you have Kingston memory, or are unsure if you have Kingston memory installed, IBM recommends you not use your machine until it is inspected by your dealer to assure recalled Kingston memory is removed. Turn off your notebook by using the power switch on the back left-hand corner of the system as it faces you. You should see no lights on after the machine has been turned off.

You should have the system inspected by a qualified service technician where you had the memory upgrade installed. The 760C, CD, L, and LD models shipped with a base eight megabytes of RAM, so if you have 24 megabytes or more, your system may be affected by this Kingston Recall.

For information about the Recall itself, contact Kingston Technology Corporation at (888) 435-4937. This is a toll-free call using the new 888 toll free area code. The information line is open from 7am to 5:30pm PACIFIC TIME.


Kingston Institutes a Voluntary Precautionary Total Recall, Stops Production of KTM-TP760/16 Memory Module to Maintain Customer Safety

Fountain Valley, CA - (May 10,1996), Kingston Technology Corporation today announced that it has discovered a potential problem with its KTM-TP760/16
memory module for IBM ThinkPad 760L, 760LD, 760C, 760CD notebook computers. Under specific conditions, an electrical short circuit could develop creating the potential for overheating, smoke, and possibly fire. Of the more than 27,000 KTM-TP760/16 Kingston memory modules which have shipped since its introduction in November of 1995 only one instance of the short circuit problem has been reported. However, to eliminate the possibility of risk to its customers, Kingston has instituted a voluntary and precautionary recall of all its KTM-TP760/16 memory modules. No other Kingston products are affected.

Specifically, the company has taken the following steps to ensure customer safety and satisfaction:

SHIPMENTS HALTED - Kingston temporarily stopped shipments until the cause was isolated and the correction implemented.

MODIFICATION OF EXISTING MODULES - Kingston has modified the existing KTM-TP760/16 to eliminate the risk of electrical shorts by insulting the capacitor components with a non-conductive epoxy coating.

TOLL-FREE CUSTOMER SATISFACTION INFORMATION NUMBER - Kingston has set up a toll-free number (1-888-435-4937) that customers may call for information.

FIVE-DAY REPLACEMENT TURNAROUND - Kingston will offer customers with affected systems a replacement memory module within five business days (send via Federal Express)

PRODUCT REDESIGN - Kingston has implemented a simple redesign of its KTM-TP760/16 to correct the problem.

Customers should call Kingston's toll free (1-888-435-4937) for more information about affected memory products and the company's product recall program. IBM product questions can be directed to IBM's customer PC HelpCenter (1-800-772-2227).


o Recall Part - Kingston Memory DIMM KTM-TP760/16
o Information # - 1-(888)-435-4937 from 7am to 5:30pm Pacific Time
o Kingston will offer customers with affected systems a free replacement.


3039 Cornwallis Road, Bldg 203/FF105, RTP, NC 27709
Phone (919) 517-0909 T/L 255-0909 Fax (919) 517-1229

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 760C, ThinkPad 760CD, ThinkPad 760L/LD

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9546, 9547




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