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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3BKDPG

PC Server 320/520 - Micro Channel "Soft Errors" or NET5380's running LAN Server

Applicable to: World-Wide

Abstract :
PC SERVER 320 / 520 Micro Channel "Soft Errors" or NET5380's running Lan Server.

Problem #1 :
Customers running OS/2 Lan Server on Micro Channel PC Server 320's or 520's with multiple Micro Channel Single Lanstreamers or Dual Lanstreamers may see NET5380's in the NET ERROR log. The Error wil have return code 96 FA associated with it indicating a hardware malfunction Adapter Check.

Fix :
Swapping the Adapters for PCI Adapters will resolve the issue.
Exchange the Adapters for level 42H2716 (Single Micro Channel Lanstreamer) or 42H2709 for Dual Lanstreamers.

Problem #2 :
You may also notice large numbers of "Soft Errors" coming from the Adapters using a Lan Monitoring device.

Fix :
To fix this problem Apply BIOS 23 or higher and upon Boot select F1 (Setup and Configuration), Select "Advanced Settings", Select "System Resource Balance" and change this to "Micro Channel BIASED".

The problem does not exhibit on any PCI Adapters. If you are running PCI Adapters and have no Micro Channel Adapters in the Server leave this setting as "BALANCED".

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Adapter Cards, Retain

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 320, PC Server 520

Machine Type

8640, 8641



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