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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-39DCXU

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TP 720 - PCMCIA driver diskette history

Applicable to: World-Wide

1. History of TP720 PCMCIA Driver Diskette:
For a copy of this Driver Diskette, please Double click here:-
Version 1.00 - Original Release level
Version 1.10 - Fixes problems associated with the power on process of some PCMCIA I/O Cards, such as machine re-booting when some cards power on.
Version 1.12 - Fixes Trap D error on OS/2 2.1 or higher
- IBMDOSCS.SYS is updated
- This fix corrects a speed mismatch problem and allows future client drivers, that come with OEM PCMCIA options, to operate correctly with Dos Card Services.

2. Installation of TP720 PCMCIA Driver Diskette
Installation instructions can also be found in chapter 2 of the "Thinkpad 720 Quick Reference Manual."

- For DOS Systems, Version 5.02 or Higher:
a. Start the operating system and insert the Driver diskette into the diskette drive.(If you are using Windows, exit Windows and return to Dos).
b. Enter the following command at the DOS C prompt:
c. Select "Install Dos PCMCIA Device Drivers."
d. Follow the directions on the screen.
e. You must reboot your computer for the changes to take effect.

After installing the PCMCIA Device Drivers (Card Services and Socket Services) the Modem Client Driver Diskette must be installed. The Client Driver Diskette that comes with the IBM Data/Fax Modem is labeled "IBM DATA/FAX MODEM DISKETTE." The PCMCIA Modem Client Driver selects Com Port 2 (slot 1) as default. Slot 1 is referred to as "Slot A" in diagnostics.

- For OS/2 Systems, Version 2.1 or Higher:
Same as above EXCEPT Step c:
c. Select "Install OS/2 PCMCIA Device Drivers"

For OS/2 Installations the "Uinstall" only installs Socket Services. OS/2 2.1 contains the Card Services Driver. OS/2 Card Services can be installed from the OS/2 setup and installation menu using "OS/2 Selective Installation." "PCMCIA Support" is the selection you must make when installing Card Services. Install the Client Driver that comes with the PCMCIA option. If the "IBM DATA/FAX MODEM" is being installed, insert the "IBM DATA/FAX MODEM DISKETTE" in drive A and type "Install."

3. Verification of Installation
To Verify a complete PCMCIA DATA/FAX MODEM installation, from the DOS C prompt key the following:
C: DEBUG (press enter)
D 40:0 (enter)

If the value for the starting address of com2 is "00 00" as the following example indicates, Card Services, Socket Services and/or Client Drivers have not been installed or have been installed incorrectly.

0040 :0000 f8 03 00 00 00 00 00
| | | |
Com1 Com2

IF THE STATEMENT READS: DEVICE=C: DOS EMM386.SYS IT MUST BE CHANGED. An exclude statement must be added to this line to set aside memory for the DICRMU02.SYS file. Edit the config.sys file and use the following example.


Next find: DEVICE=C: DICRMU02.SYS and add this parameter.

The excluded address values of D000-DFFF are examples. Values other than D000-DFFF can be used, but the values excluded (x=) but must be the same as the values placed after the DICRMU02.SYS parameter.

Save the changed file and reboot the system (CTL ALT DELETE is okay.)

Load the DEBUG program:
C: DEBUG (press enter)
D 40:0 (enter)

If Card Services, Socket Services, and the Client Driver have been installed correctly, the following characters will be displayed.

0040 :0000 f8 03 f8 02 00 00 (Note: The characters in DEBUG are
| | | | listed in reverse order). This is
Com1 Com2 not an error.

03f8=starting address of com1 data (com1 is on system board)
02f8=starting address of com2 data (pcmcia data fax modem)

The Modem Client Driver defaults to com2 port. If the config.sys or autoexec.bat is altered, the starting address could be a different value than shown in the example above. However, if the values are other than "00 00" Card Services, Socket Services, and the Client Driver are probably installed correctly. If the modem does not function after all drivers have been installed, continue normal problem determination procedures.

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IBM ThinkPad

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