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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DDSE-3QNJ77

PC Server 704 - Diskette / SCSI drive information

Applicable to: World-Wide

The following Diagram information is detailed below
1. Diskette Drive Tray
2. Drive (SCSI-2)
3. SCSI Drive Status LED Board
4. Drive Tray - 5.25 inch
5. Drive Tray - Hard Disk

Diskette Drive (3.5-Inch)

Diskette Drive Tray
(Bottom View)

Drive (SCSI-2)

SCSI Drive Status LED Board

1. J1, cable to SCSI backplane
2. Hole for standoff
3. Status LEDs (three sets of three); insert board so these appear in slots in front EMI panel
4. End facing slot in center divider

1. Status LED board (one board over each row of SCSI drives)
2. Cable form J1 on status LED board to J2 or J9 on SCSI backplane (one for each board)
3. SCSI backplanes, upper and lower

Drive Tray (5.25-Inch)

Drive Tray (Hard Disk)
(Bottom View)

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Diskette Drives, Hardware Maintenance Information

Date Created


Last Updated


Revision Date



IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 704

Machine Type




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