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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DDSE-3QNJ7Q

PCServer704 - Liquid Crystal Display diagram

Applicable to: World-Wide

Liquid Crystal Display

1. Front panel control board
2. Two screws on LCD carrier
3. Backlight power connector from LCD to control boar
4. Signal connector from LCD to control board
5. Mounting Screw

1. Remove screws that secure the liquid crystal display (LCD) to the chasis.
2. From inside the chasis, pull the carrier back out of opening.
3. To remove the LCD form the carrier, pry out the four plastic riveys.
4. Put the replacement LCD on the carrier, and secure the carrier with four plastic rivets.
5. From inside the chasis, place the carrier assembly back in the chasis opening. Make sure the carrier flanges make good contact with the chasis around the opening. (You may need to spread the flanges out a little.)
6. Reinstall the two screws to secure the carrier to the chasis.

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Hardware Maintenance Information

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IBM PC Server

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PC Server 704

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