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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3UMQ2E

PC Server 300 - BIOS errors with Adaptec 2940W at BIOS 1.19S8

Applicable to: World-Wide

-The following errors are displayed in a red box when accessing the CMOS Setup Utility (pressing <CTRL-ALT-S>):

"Extended CMOS checksum was invalid"
"Extended CMOS defaults are loaded"
"Signature Byte was invalid"
"Chip-set defaults were loaded"
"Unable to initialize interface to NVRAM Manager" (this may be the cause of / lead to any other messages on the screen)

-The Time and Date fields cannot be changed in the CMOS Setup Utility.

-Any changes made in the CMOS Setup Utility are not saved as evident by restarting the system and accessing the CMOS Setup Utility.

NOTE: The system may prompt to enter the CMOS Setup Utility upon reboot after the above symptoms occur.

All of the following must be true for this tip to apply:

-The system is a PC Server 300 Type 8640 model 0N0, 0NJ, configured with a system board FRU p/n71G0033
The system is a PC Server 300 Type 8640 model 0P0, 0PT configured with a system board FRU p/n71g0747, 06H8756
or 28L0973.

-The system is properly configured with a Adaptec Controller model AHA-2940W that has a BIOS level 1.19s8.

In the U.S., contact the IBM PSGHC (Personal Systems Group Help Center) for assistance at 1-800-772-2227. Outside the U.S., contact your appropriate support organization.

(This only applies to the AHA-2940W with a BIOS level 1.19s8)
Remove the AHA-2940W Adapter, change any settings as required in CMOS, save and exit the CMOS Utility (the system will now restart and the changes will be effective), shut down the system after a successful reboot, Install the AHA-2940W.

It has been determined that if the system is configured with a AHA-2940W Adapter with a BIOS level of 1.19s8, the CMOS
resets to default settings. Any subsequent attempts to change the CMOS settings will not be saved and usually results in other
errors due to lack of configuration specific settings required in the system CMOS.

AHA-2940W Adapters with a BIOS lower than 1.19s8 do not exhibit this problem.

AHA and Adaptec are trademarks of Adaptec, Inc.

PSY2, D/T8640, 2940W, UNCLASSIFIED, CMOS, BIOS, 1.19S8, 300, OPO, OPT, ONO, ONJ, 71G0749, 06H8756, 28L0973

Search Keywords

PSY2, D/T8640, 2940W, UNCLASSIFIED, CMOS, BIOS, 1.19S8, 300, OPO, OPT, ONO, ONJ, 71G0749, 06H8756, 28L0973

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 300

Machine Type



0N0; 0NJ; 0P0; 0PT


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USA=A, EMA=N, AFE=A, Date last altered: A98/05/18, Owning B.U.: USA