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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3NDMN4

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

Netfinity7000 - P6-1M issues and handling instructions

Applicable to: World-Wide

On 9/23/97, we announced a Netfinity 7000 model using a new processor from Intel called Pentium Pro 1Meg (P6-1M). Intel is specifying special precautions to all their vendors to protect this processor from moisture during storage and extended powered-down periods. To accomplish this, we will have to ship systems with the processor sealed in a desiccate bag (uninstalled) and execute a communications plan for our dealers, customers, and IBMers.

We're currently working with the geographies to establish a plan to communicate these precautions and control shipments until a permanent solution is available from Intel. This note is step one in communicating these "special" precautions and the proposed communications plan. The basic elements of the proposed plan are:

1. Communication package to educate dealers on the special storage precautions and tracking process.
2. Global communications
- Web, Helpcenter, Techconnect, PartnerInfo, etc..
3. Order tracking
- For a limited time we need to track the orders for this model, verify the dealer has been educated, and log specific information including, est. config dates etc..

For more details on the manufacturing process, storage precautions, and proposed dealer communications/control plan see the attachment.

Intel has indicated that other competitors plan to ship and take actions to protect the processor, such as packaging the processor in a desiccate
bag until it is installed and configured.



The new processor is built with moisture sensitive materials that require special STORAGE precautions (non-operational). Following are the storage precautions provided by Intel for this processor:

1. Processors should be STORED in a dry environment, such as a desiccant bag or a dry place (<50% relative humidity). This applies prior to installation, as well as during server power down periods.
2. Once the system is powered-up, minimize powered-down periods under high temperature and high humidity environments. Preferred storage conditions are room temp (25C) and <50% relative humidity.
3. Limit the processor's total exposure to high humidity (>60%) to less than 3 months in a powered off state over the part's life.
4. Extended exposure above these conditions may affect device reliability.

Based on WORST CASE modeling derived from qualification data, the following scenarios should help you understand the impact of the environment on the processor fallout:
3 months storage at 100F and 85% humidity = 2% fallout on power-up
6 months storage at 100F and 85% humidity = 60% fallout on power-up

As you can see, the fallout increases very rapidly as the storage time gets longer under a high temp/humidity environment, and why a complete
education plan for our business partners/customers is imperative to protect our customers that will buy Netfinity 7000 P6-1M systems.

Intel is currently running several experiments on a permanent fix to this problem but has not committed dates yet. Intel has been working this problem for several months now; all experiments to date have failed to give a reliable solution. Based on engineering estimates and assuming one of the current experiments works, the outlook for the new level processor is 1Q/98 GA.


The manufacturing process for the P6-1M models of Netfinity is planned as follows:

1. Intel will shipped processor to IBM in a sealed desiccate package.
2. Manufacturing will install the processor and test business as usual.
3. Processor will be removed at end of line and packaged in a sealed desiccate bag and placed in a small box.
4. The small box will be shipped inside the system box.
5. Labels with the storage specifications will be attached to both the processor box inside the system and the system box.


A package will be created to educate dealers on the unique storage precautions required by this high-end server processor. The package will cover:

1. Marketing messages on why IBM is taking these precautions on this new Netfinity high-end server.
2. Intel's storage specification and reference to Intel web site.
3. IBM and Intel Q & As
4. Outline information required from dealer when placing an order for a P6-1M system, ex: estimated configuration date.


Search Keywords

Intel, NetFinity, 7000, P6-1M, P6

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IBM PC Server

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Netfinity 7000

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RH0; TH0


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