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Document ID: DDSE-3TQM9U

PC Server 720 - Installing Windows NT 3.51 & 4.0

Applicable to: World-Wide

Windows NT Installation on PC Server 720 (8642) 4/11/97 Update

After running Disk Administrator in Windows NT or after rebuild-ing a disk with RAIDADM, the message "invalid boot partition" or "no boot record found" is displayed when the PC Server 720 is rebooted.

Use the following procedure to install Windows NT Server on the IBM PC Server 720. If assistance is required at any time, contact the IBM PC HelpCenter at the following phone numbers:

* In the U.S.A., 1-800-772-2227
* In Canada, 1-800-565-3344

Outside the USA and Canada, contact your IBM authorized reseller or IBM marketing representative.

1. Download and expand the following files from the BBS:
- 720NOS.EXE Only needed if installing NT Server 3.51
- BIOS, Reference, and Diagnostic Diskettes
- PCI Streaming RAID Option Diskette AND PCI RAID firmware flash
MCA Streaming RAID Option Diskettes (2) AND MCA Streaming RAID firmware
PC ServeRAID Diskettes (3) (Configuration, Driver and Util, and BIOS/Firmware)

2. Flash the BIOS to the latest level available on the IBM BBS. Boot the flash BIOS diskette and follow the on-screen instructions to flash the BIOS. Note: The reference diskette and diagnostic diskette must be at the appropriate level along with the BIOS.

3. If a RAID Adapter is present, flash the RAID firmware to the the latest level by booting the appropriate RAID firmware diskette and following the on-screen instructions.

4. Initialize and Synchronize RAID hard drives or Format Non-RAID hard drives.
Note: The version number that appears on the Main Menu Screen must be Ver. 3.40 or later for PCI and MCA RAID adapters or Ver. 2.00 or later for ServeRAID adapters.

a. For RAID systems, boot the current RAID Option Diskette
1. Select Create/delete array, Create disk array, choose the drives for the array, then select Define Logical drive, and define a logical drive of 300MB to 500MB.
2. Confirm, Exit and wait for the configuration to be saved.
3. Select Initialize/synchronize array, then select Initialize logical drive.
4. For RAID level 5, select Synchronize logical drive.

b. For non-RAID systems:
1. During boot, press <Ctrl> A when the following message appears: "SCSI BIOS has installed successfully." This action will invoke the SCSISelect utility program.
2. Select "Configure/View Host Adapter settings".
3. Select "Advanced Configuration Options".
4. Set "Extended BIOS Translation for DOS Drives > 1 GByte" to "Disable"
5. Set "Reverse Scan" to "Disable".
6. Press <Esc> and Save these settings.
7. Select SCSI DISK Utilities.
8. Select one of the hard drives listed, then choose FORMAT the drive. Repeat for every hard drive in the system.

5. (NT 3.51 only) If installing NT3.51, download the latest version of the Windows NT Server 3.51 Service Pack. The Service Pack will contain a file called NTKRNLMP.EX_. This is an updated kernel for NT 3.51. The latest Service Service Pack can be obtained at the following WEB URL: http://www.microsoft.com

6. Create the NT boot diskettes from the Windows NT Server CD using the following procedure:
a. Place the NT Server CD in any computer with a CD-ROM drive
b. Select the drive letter for that CD-ROM (ie. D:)
c. Change to the i386 directory (cd i386)
d. If this computer is running Windows NT, type the following at a command prompt: winnt32 /ox (the /ox is important)
for any other operating system, type the following at a command prompt: winnt /ox (the /ox is important)

7. Make a copy of the Windows NT Setup Boot Disk and label it "Modified NT Boot Disk".

8. (NT 3.51 only) The NT Service Pack contains a compressed file named NTKRNLMP.EX_. (If using the diskette version, it is on diskette 1) From a command prompt, type the following to expand the file (for example):


9. (NT 3.51 only) Copy the new NTKRNLMP.EXE over the original on the diskette labeled "Modified NT Boot Disk."

10. Boot to a DOS Version 6.0 or later diskette, and run FDISK to create an active partition the size of the logical drive if used above in step 4.a.1. It is not necessary to format this partition as NT will format during the installation.

11. (NT 3.51 only) Boot the Modified NT Boot Disk and press <F5> when the following message appears on the black screen: "Setup is inspecting your computer's hardware configuration" A blue Windows NT Setup screen will appear with the following message: "Setup could not determine the type of computer you have, or you have chosen to manually specify the computer type."

Note: If you are prompted to insert the Windows NT Setup Disk 2, then you did not press <F5> at the appropriate time. Reboot the server with the Modified NT Boot Disk.

12. (NT 3.51 only) Select "Other" and press <Enter>

13. (NT 3.51 only) Insert the PC Server 720 Network Operating System Support Diskette (720NOS.EXE) and press <Enter>.

14. (NT 3.51 only) IBM PC Server 720 will be highlighted. Press <Enter>

15. Follow the on-screen instructions until the Express/Custom menu appears.

16. Press <C> for Custom Setup.

17. Press <S> to Skip Mass Storage Detection.

18. Press <S> to Specify additional SCSI adapters.

19. Press <Enter> to select "Other."

20. For MCA RAID Systems, insert the MCA Streaming RAID Option Diskette 2/2 in drive A
For PCI RAID Systems, insert the "PCI Streaming RAID Option Diskette 1/1 in drive A
For ServeRAID systems, insert the IBM ServeRAID Adapter Support Diskette (2 of 2) in drive A
For non-RAID systems, insert the "Adaptec 7800 Family Manager Set" diskette in drive A.

21. Press <Enter> to continue.

22. Select the device driver for NT Version 3.5 and press <Enter> to continue. (Applies to both NT 3.51 and 4.0)

23. Press <Enter> to avoid further detection of mass storage devices.

24. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the install.

25. After completing the custom install of NT, apply the Service Pack BEFORE running any of the applications, especially Disk Administrator.

26. After applying the Service Pack, shutdown and re-boot, then run Disk Administrator and partition the drives.

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IBM PC Server

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PC Server 720

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