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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3TAJX9

Servers - Tips for increasing performance on the ServeRAID or ServeRAID II adapter

Applicable to: World-Wide

Below are some tips for increasing performance on the ServeRAID or ServeRAID II adapter.

1. Try changing the stripe size to something other than 8k. Most users will not want to do this because changing the stripe size requires the array to be DESTROYED, recreated, and all data to be restored from tape backup. Also, stripe sizes of 8k or 16k allow 16 drives per array. Stripe sizes of 32k or 64k only allow 8 drives per array.

Again, there is no "correct" setting, it depends on the configuration. Each time the stripe size is changed, the array MUST be recreated.

2. Change the cache to write back. This speeds performance, but is dangerous without the 8MB battery backed cache option (ServeRAID II only). If you lose power while write caching, you may LOSE DATA.

3. Make sure the transfer rate is set for ultra speed (20MB). This can be changed without destroying the array and without possible data loss.

4. If using a ServeRAID II adapter, download the 2.7 (or latest) code from the following URL:

The 2.7 level code increases performance on the ServeRAID II adapter.

Adding more drives to a RAID 5 array also increases performance, regardless of the adapter.

Make sure you are not running out of memory. When the operating system runs out of RAM, it has to swap to disk more frequently. This can appear as poor disk performance. Checking on available memory depends on the operating system you are using.

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 300, PC Server 310, PC Server 320, PC Server 325, PC Server 330, PC Server 500, PC Server 520, PC Server 704, PC Server 720, ServeRAID

Machine Type

8640, 8639, 8641, 8650, 8642, Various



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