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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-44XGSR

TP 600,770 - Using MS-Mail 3.2 or 3.5 with the ACP Modem

Applicable to: World-Wide

Can't find a script file for use with the ACP Modem on the ThinkPad 600 or 770 series machines.

Any ThinkPad 600 or 770 series with the ACP modem running Windows 95, 98 or NT 4.0 using MS-Mail version 3.2 or version 3.5

Note: Not all models of the ThinkPad 600 or 770 come with an ACP modem.

For Windows NT 4.0
For MS-Mail to work under Windows NT 4.0, simply select the "Generic 1200 & 2400 BPS modem" and set the COM port speed/baud rate to '57600'. This generic modem setting will work perfectly fine for the ACP Modem under Windows NT 4.0.

For Windows 95 or Windows 98
Neither Windows 95 nor Windows 98 are pre-emptive multitasking operating systems, and therefore require an additional change. In addition to selecting the "Generic 1200 & 2400 BPS modem" and setting the COM port speed/baud rate to '57600', an additional modification is necessary. This additional work-around is an unsupported (by Microsoft) switch. In the MSMAIL.INI file, under the [SFSREMOTE] section, add the line:


The internal default for this setting is 1, giving the Remote client exclusive control of the Microsoft Windows operating system. Although this switch will now enable task switching (ALT+TAB), you should not task switch while connected. If you task switch, you may drop the carrier, or possibly corrupt the mail message file (.MMF).

MS-Mail is a very old Windows 3.1 based application, and does not use TAPI to find the possible modems available to it in the system (the ACP Modem is a TAPI compliant modem). Instead, the MS-Mail application uses individual "script" files for every modem. At the time MS-Mail was made (around 3 years ago), the ACP Modem did not exist. That is why there is no script file for the ACP Modem.

MS-Mail requests 'exclusive' access to the operating system, and (according to Microsoft) any attempt to switch to another application (Alt-Tab) may result in erroneous file transfers and unexpected results. This means that while MS-Mail is running, it expects to have all of the resources it needs all of the time. Unlike Windows 95 or 98, Windows NT 4.0 won't actually let the application have all of the resources. Because Windows NT 4.0 is a pre-emptive multitasking operating system, it makes the application think that it does, even though it is really being time sliced by NT. Neither Windows 95 nor Windows 98 have this ability.

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 600, ThinkPad 600E, ThinkPad 770, ThinkPad 770E/ED, ThinkPad 770X, ThinkPad 770Z

Machine Type

2645, 2646, 9549, 9544




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