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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DJON-3FTRUV

Aptiva - General Information About Standby Mode

Applicable to: United States

The machine will go into standby when the computer is inactive. It is actually shutting down after 10 minutes of inactivity; the hitch is that the operating system is generating unsolicited activity. From a cold boot, the machine will power up, (call this Time 0). After approximately 6 minutes, the operating system performs some unsolicted activity and, again after approximately 6 minutes, the operating system does this again. (This is now 12 minutes.) It now has all of this information in RAM; therefore, no more unsolicted activity will occur. At this time, there is no way to keep the machine from standing by late; the function is working properly. The system is detecting activity on the hard drive and resetting the standby timer. Therefore,
you will experience a delay on the average of 12 minutes the first time the system goes into standby. After the machine goes into standby and wakes up, the system will consistently go into standby at 10 minutes. Verify that you have the proper settings: standby is enabled and Windows 95 Autoplay is disabled. If you are not sure, follow the steps below to verify or change the settings.

1) Standby is enabled. This is accessible through the Rapid Resume Manager.

2) Autoplay is disabled. This can be found by going through the following:

a) Click on Start
b) Go to Settings, then click on Control Panel
c) Double-click on the System icon
d) Click on Device Manager
e) Open the properties for the CD-ROM drive
f) Click on Settings
g) Auto insert notification should not be checked.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Windows 95, Power Management

Date Created


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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2144, 2168


5R5; M91; 2R5; 2R7; 2R8; M30; M35; M50; 2R6; 4R7; 4R8; M40; M54; M58; 3R0; 3R8; M60; M70; 3R4; 3R6; 4R1; 4R9; M31; M51; M52; M63; 2R9; 3R1; 3R3; 3R5; 3R7; 3R9; 4R0; 4R2; 4R3; M41; M53; M55; M56; M57; M61; M62; M71; M72; 5R1; 6R3; A10; A12; A14; 5R2; 5R3; 5R6; 5R8; 5R9; 6R0; 6R4; 6R5; A15; A40; A44; A45; A50; A51; A52; A90; A92; A94



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