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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3PSSQC

PC Server 300 - TRAP 000D with OS/2 2.11 and LAPS (NTS/2)

Applicable to: World-Wide

When OS/2 2.11 with IBM NTS/2 (Network Transport Services, also known as LAPS) are installed on an 8640 (PC Server 300) with the IBM PCI Fast SCSI-2 Adapter, system hangs or TRAP000D errors may be experienced while NTS/2 is copying files to a fixed disk. Hangs may also be encountered during other NTS/2 operations.

Problem Isolation Aids:
1. Machines Affected: 8640-models 0PT,and 1PT.
2. System diagnostics run without error.
3. A PCI SCSI-2 Adapter is installed.
4. The operating system is OS/2 Version 2.11.
5. NTS/2 (LAPS) application execution.

The PCI Fast SCSI-2 Adapter Device Support Diskette currently shipped with the system is version 1.10. Version 1.20 of the PCI Fast SCSI-2 Adapter Device Support Diskette is now available. A new OS/2 Device Driver (IBMPSCSI.ADD, dated 08/04/94) for the PCI SCSI-2 Adapter is included with the version 1.20 diskette. This driver must be installed.

To obtain a copy of this diskette image please Double Click here :-

To install the new driver at an OS/2 Window type "DDINSTAL" and press ENTER. A device driver installation screen will appear. Insert the IBM PCI Fast SCSI-2 Adapter Device Support Diskette version 1.20 and click on OK. Once the installation is complete the system must be rebooted for the changes to take affect. The version 1.20 PCI Fast SCSI-2 Adapter Device Support Diskette will be included in future product shipments.

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Hint Category

Retain, OS/2

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IBM PC Server

Product Family

PC Server 300

Machine Type



0PT; 1PT


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