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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-3PMQ9Y

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

TP 765D/L - 2060 Backup Battery, Speaker, Standby Battery

Applicable to: World-Wide

2060 Backup Battery, Speaker, Standby Battery
Diskette Drive or CD-ROM Drive (1020)
Battery Pack (1030)
Hard Disk Drive (1040)
Top Cover (1060)
Keyboard Unit (1070)
Keyboard Card (1170)
Palm Rest (2010)
Palm Rest Rear Cover (2020)

Safety Notice 2.
Some standby batteries contain a small amount of nickel and cadmium. Do not disassemble it, recharge it, throw it into fire or water, or short-circuit it. Dispose of the battery as required by local ordinances or regulations.
Use only the battery in the appropriate parts listing. Use of an incorrect battery can result in ignition or explosion of the battery.

Safety Notice 4.
The lithium battery can cause a fire, explosion, or severe burn. Do not recharge it, remove its polarized connector, disassemble it, heat it above 100 C (212 F), incinerate it, or expose its cell contents to water. Dispose of the battery as required by local ordinances or regulations. Use only the battery in the appropriate parts listing. Use of an incorrect battery can result in ignition or explosion of the battery.

Procedure continues on the next page.


Size (quantity)

Memo (torque)


M2.5 x 6 mm (2)

(3 kgcm)

Note: Do not reuse a screw you removed. Use a new screw and tighten the screw to the torque specification shown.

4 6 : Backup Battery
5 7 : Standby Battery
4 5 6 7 : Speaker

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Hardware Maintenance Information

Date Created


Last Updated


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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 765L, ThinkPad 765D

Machine Type

9546, 9547




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