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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-39ZFP9

Floppy Drives - 1.44MB Diskette made with "Copy Disk" is unreadable

Applicable to: World-Wide

A 1.44MB diskette created using the Windows* 3.1 Copy Disk function may not be readable on a 1.44MB diskette drive, but can be read on a 2.88MB diskette drive.

Problem Isolation Aids:
This problem occurs only under the following conditions:
1. The software configuration is Windows 3.1 and DOS 5 or 6.
2. The Hardware configuration is a 2.0MB (1.44MB) Source diskette and a 2.0MB unformatted target diskette in a 2.88MB diskette drive.

Copy Disk formats the target diskette while copying to target diskette. When the operation is complete everything seems OK and the target diskette can now be used in a 2.88MB diskette drive; moreover, CHKDSK reports the diskette as a normal 1.44MB format.

The problem occurs because Copy Disk misformats the 2MB target diskette to 2.88MB capacity (36 sectors/track @ 1Mbps data rate) instead of correctly formatting the target diskette to 1.44MB capacity (18 sectors/track a 500Kbps data rate).

This is not a hardware failure. If the diskette drive diagnostics run error free, no hardware has failed and none should be replaced. This failure will not occur if the target diskette is formatted prior to the "Copy Disk" operation.

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Hint Category

Diskette Drives

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IBM Options

Product Family

Diskette/ZIP Drives

Machine Type

External, Internal




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