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Document ID: RMIE-3A2EKK

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TP 760 - News Alert - HDD Swap

Applicable to: World-Wide

THINKPAD News Alert :
1.3 GB HDD replaces 1.2 HDD on ThinkPad 760 Models

The existing 1.2GB HDD used on ThinkPad 760 models (U3A, U3B, and U3L) will be replaced with a larger and higher performance 1.3GB hard disk drive, due to a reduction in supply of the 1.2GB HDD. This change will be phased into production over the next few months, with no price impact. Existing ThinkPads with 1.2GB HDDs will not be upgraded with the new drive.

The new 1.3GB drive, when tested in actual ThinkPad systems using industry standard benchmark tests offers improved performance in a majority of the test cases, despite slightly lower seek time and latency specifications than the 1.2GB drive it replaces.

The improved performance is primarily due to a 50% larger read/ write cache (now 96kb) and an 8% faster media data transfer rate (now 7.7mb/sec). As extra benefits, the new drive provides 100MB of additional storage space and lower power consumption.

Until the existing supply of 1.2GB HDDs is depleted, we will continue to publish model specifications with the 1.2GB drive as standard.

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Hard Drives

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IBM ThinkPad

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ThinkPad 760E, ThinkPad 760ED

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