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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: DSHY-3RMLYC

TP 310,315 - Getting a SU-0409 error when reinstalling Windows 95

Applicable to: World-Wide

When attempting to reinstall Windows 95 from C:\WINDOWS\OPTIONS\CABS and agreeing to the License Agreement, a blue setup screen will come up for about 30 seconds or so, then the following error message will appear:

Warning SU-0409

Windows Setup was unable to update your system files.

This may be cause by a virus detection program that is built into your computer, or by virus detection software running on your computer.

To disable built in virus detection, you will need to run the configuration program that came with your computer, or contact your computer's manufacturer.

To disable virus-detection software running on your computer, you may need to remove the lines that start the program from your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS files.

After you have disabled the virus detection, restart your computer, and then run Setup again.

Exit Setup is the only option given.

- Pressing F8 during bootup, safe mode command prompt, to ensure no AntiVirus software is loading.

- Look in BIOS (by holding F2 when the ThinkPad logo appears in the bottom left at bootup)

- In the BIOS Utility, there is an entry for System Security.
In that section, look under Disk Drive Control heading for the Hard Disk Drive option.
This Hard Disk Drive entry has four options:
Write Protect All Sectors
Write Protect Boot Sector

With Write Protect Boot Sector enabled, you get the exact error message described above.
Change this back to Normal, save, exit, and reboot.

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Hint Category

Windows 95

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 310, ThinkPad 315

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