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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-44XHBU

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TP 390,172X - Video issues on 13.3" and 14.1" TFT LCD's

Applicable to: World-Wide

Video issues such as the following:

  1. White screen
  2. Vertical bars on the display
  3. No video, black screen

These issues have been seen primarily on the 14.1" LCD's. However, a small number of these issues have been seen on the 13.3" LCD's as well.

Check the FPC cable that connects to the LCD panel inside the LCD subassembly. The cable can become either slightly or fully unseated from the LCD panel and cause the symptoms above.

If the cable is improperly seated, reseat the cable. Apply a NEW piece of black tape (FPC stopper tape, FRU number 05K5914) to hold the FPC cable in place.

If the connector is not improperly seated, follow the Hardware Maintenance Manual for the next problem determination steps.

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 390, ThinkPad i Series 172x

Machine Type

2626, 2627




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