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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: GSMH-39DD36

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

TP General - Dual screen/screen breakup problem

Applicable to: World-Wide

Screen on ThinkPad shows picture split in two and repeating. Normally happens when going to a DOS fullscreen under Windows.

Problem Isolation Aids:
Problem can be temporarily fixed by suspending ThinkPad (Fn and F4) then resuming. The video is refreshed and everything is back to normal.

Update Windows video drivers using latest Video Features Diskette. ThinkPad 360/750/755 Video Features Diskette Vers.1.32.
To download a copy of this diskette, please Double Click here:-
Ensure drivers are actually updated by Windows setup using following instructions (found in readme on diskette).

3.1 Installation of Windows 256 colors display driver :-
1. Exit Windows and go to the DOS prompt if Windows runs.
2. Insert the Video Features Diskette into the diskette drive.
3. Type "A:\VINSTALL" and press ENTER. Follow the instructions on the screen.

Selection screen of external CRT display device is displayed. If you do not use external CRT display, select "IBM 8511/8512 8513/8517/8518". If you can not find your display type, select one of the SVGA monitors which has the same refresh rate as your monitor. If you still can not find the display type, select any one of the display device then edit the FRATE.DAT file according to the VINSTALL.DOC file on the Video Features Diskette.
4. Exit the VINSTALL menu, remove the diskette, and restart the system by pressing and holding Ctrl+Alt+Del.
5. Exit Windows and go to the DOS prompt if Windows runs.
6. Go to the Windows sub-directory(usually C:\WINDOWS) and type "SETUP" and press ENTER.
7. Select DISPLAY from the Windows Setup menu, then select "Other (requires disk...)" from the next menu.
8. Insert the Video Features Diskette into the diskette drive.
9. Type "A:\WIN31" and press ENTER.
10. Select the screen resolution/system font you wish to use from the list and follow the instructions on the screen. At this stage ensure you select - replace existing driver.

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad 360, ThinkPad 750, ThinkPad 755C/CS, ThinkPad 755CE/CSE

Machine Type

2620, 9545




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