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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: LWIK-446TS8

TP 1400 - Fatal Exception 0E error after installing a serial mouse

Applicable to: World-Wide

After installing a serial mouse under Windows 98, system boots to a Fatal Exception 0E error.

ThinkPad i Series 1400 running Windows 98 with a serial mouse.

Remove the serial mouse from the machine before proceeding with this procedure.

1. If you are unable to boot into Normal Mode, boot into Safe Mode.
2. From either Normal or Safe Mode go to Start->Run->Msconfig.
3. Go to the Start-up tab and uncheck TrackPoint Srv. This item loads the TrackPoint scrolling and magnifying glass features. Without it, the basic features of the TrackPoint will still function normally.
4. Reboot the system. The fatal exception error should be gone.

In order to use both the serial mouse and the TrackPoint driver after this, the following must be done:

5. Go to Diskette factory and build the TrackPoint driver disk for later use.
6. Ensure the serial mouse drivers you installed have been completely removed. Consult the manufacturer's documentation for instructions on how to do this if you are unsure.
7. Reinstall the TrackPoint drivers with the disk you made from diskette factory. If the serial mouse drivers are not completely removed, repeat steps 1-6.

Note: You can use ConfigSafe or Scanreg to restore a configuration before the serial mouse was installed.

In order to use both the serial mouse and the TrackPoint driver after this, the following must be done:

Recommended method to install a serial mouse on the Thinkpad i series 1400 (2611) machine.

1. Ensure the TrackPoint drivers have been installed by viewing Device Manager "Mouse" has "PS/2 TrackPoint" as the mouse type.
2. Ensure that the serial port is enabled via BIOS.
3. Attach the serial mouse to the machine. DO NOT USE DISKETTES THAT COME WITH THE SERIAL MOUSE! Instead, you will use the Windows 98 drivers.
4. Open Control Panel; choose "Add new hardware"; choose "YES" to let the system detect the device; click "FINISH" when detection has completed.
5. Verify you have two mice enabled in Device Manager:
o PS/2 TrackPoint
o Standard serial mouse.

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Input Devices, Windows 98, Error Messages

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IBM ThinkPad

Product Family

ThinkPad i Series 1400

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