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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: YAST-3JZK62

28.8/14.4 PCMCIA Data/Fax Modem w/Integrated DAA - Hints and tips for 33.6 upgrade

Applicable to: World-Wide

Installing the 33.6 Upgrade for the Cellular 28.8 PCMCIA Modem:

1. Insert the PCMCIA card and power the unit on.

2. Goto to a command prompt. To do so, either:
Exit Windows 3.11,
Restart to MSDOS mode for Win95, or
Go to to Command Prompts icon in OS/2.

3.Insert the driver disk and type A:\V34FLASH

4.The program will prompt to select a com port that the modem is configured for. Ensure the correct COM port is chosen.

5.You should receive a message stating the flash has completed. Reboot the system to use the modem.

1. In articles published in magazines a wrong phone number was given for a free 33.6 upgrade for a 28.8 PCMCIA modem, option # 25H6420 and fru # 38H5062. The WRONG phone number was 1800-426-7755 ext 5041. The CORRECT phone number is 1-800-426-7255 ext 5041.

2. The upgrade can also be download from the IBM BBS. The filename is 336MOD03.EXE. There is a readme file in this file that has instructions for installation.

3. The file 336MOD03.EXE is for the 28.8 PCMCIA Modem and not the International 28.8 PCMCIA Modem. If it is accidentally applied to the International Modem by mistake, it SHOULD NOT cause damage to the modem. The flash will not complete and will send back the"UART overrun" error. The two modems can be distinguished in this manner...the International Modem is black and the regular modem is white with purple lettering.

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