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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MNOK-3T5U2Y

Aptiva - How to edit the path statement in OS/2

Applicable to: World-Wide

Note: Making changes to the Config.sys file in OS/2 can have far-reaching effects. In order to provide a "way out" of an inadvertent editing mistake made in the Config.sys file, it is recommended that you create a backup copy of the current Config.sys file before making any changes to it. To do this:
1. Open an OS/2 window and go to the command prompt

2. Type: "cd\" and press "Enter"

3. Type: "copy config.sys config.xxx" and press "Enter"

If you make changes to the current Config.sys file that prevent OS/2 from booting up to the desktop, you can delete the Config.sys file and rename the Config.xxx file to Config.sys.

To edit the path statement in OS/2:

1. Open an OS/2 window to get to the OS/2 command prompt

2. Type: "cd\" and press "Enter"

3. Type: "e config.sys" and press "Enter"

4. This will open the main OS/2 Config.sys file for editing. Locate the SET PATH= line entry that looks similar to the following:

SET PATH=c:\netscape;c:\mptn\bin;c:\ibmcom;c:\mmos2;c:\os2;

You can place the mouse cursor anywhere on the line and click where you wish to insert or delete parameters in the path statement.

When adding or deleting entries from a path statement, the following rules need to be kept in mind:

1. Specify the drive letter of the directory name you're adding to the path statement

2. Specify the directory

3. Place the semicolon ( ; ) delimiter at the end of each directory entry.

For example, suppose you want to add a directory entry for Megascan, located on the D: drive, to the path statement above.
Here's what the entry for this would look like:


It can be added anywhere in the path statement provided it is added immediately after a semicolon of another directory entry. However, it's usually safest, in terms of avoiding inserting it incorrectly, by adding it to the end of the path statement like so:

SET PATH=c:\netscape;c:\mptn\bin;c:\ibmcom;c:\mmos2;c:\os2;d:\megascan;

Once the addition has been made, click on File, click on Save, and then close the edit window. Shut down and restart OS/2 for the updated path statement to take effect.

If you wish to remove a directory entry from the path statement, such as the Netscape entry in our example path statement in step 4 above:

1. Open the Config.sys file as before

2. Locate the SET PATH= line

3. Place the mouse cursor in front of c: in c:\netscape;

4. Press the Del key to remove each character in the c:\netscape; entry including the semicolon.

Using the original SET PATH= example above, it would now appear like this after the Netscape entry has been removed:

SET PATH=c:\mptn\bin;c:\ibmcom;c:\mmos2;c:\os2;

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IBM Aptiva

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2144, 2168


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