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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: RMIE-3ABJRW

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IBM ValuePoint - GPF under Windows for Workgroups and MS Office

Applicable to: World-Wide

Symptom :
When using applications such as Microsoft Office, the system frequently experiences General Protection Faults or just hangs during operation.

Problem Analysis :
According to the Project Office, the systems in use had downlevel planars with the RN4 RPAK of value 10k. In addition, the customer has a DX4 processor with an 8x6 PCI riser which is known with planars earlier than 06H7153 to experience hardfile data corruption.
The hardfile data corruption alone can cause numerous GPFs. These potential failures were validated by the customer's report of failures.

Fix :
First, to address the RN4 10k RPAK, a new planar must be installed. Second, the new planar must be of FRU 06H6355 or the more current 07H0146. Planars of FRU 82G2397 may continue to experience failures due to the non-existence of the DX4/PCI rework jumper (J36). These
failures would occur as hardfile corruption and then turn into GPFs or hangs.

Hardware :
P/N of Affected Part - 82G2397 FRU -> replaced by 07H0146

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Hint Category

DOS/Windows 3.x, Error Messages, Non-IBM Hardware/Software

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