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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MQUN-3TMMLC

This document is provided to IBM and our Business Partners to help sell and/or service IBM products. It is not to be distributed beyond that audience or used for any other purpose.

Servers - 9595 System fails to power-on

Applicable to: World-Wide

The system will not power-on from the operators panel.
There is no "Power Good"* light on the front panel.
* The "Power Good" light is erroneously referred to as a "Power-on" light in the customer's documentation. A power-on light usually indicates that system power has been turned on. "Power-Good" indicates the system power supply is not only turned on, but is providing all the required voltages and they are within specifications.

Problem Isolation Aid:
a. The system unit is plugged into the customer's power receptacle and the correct input voltage is present.
b. Remove the side cover. Depress the small pushbutton on the top left corner of the power supply. A small green LED (light emitting diode) is located next to the switch. This is the self test feature of the power supply. If the power supply starts (LED turns-on and the power supply fan runs), the power supply is operational.

Inspect the system board for a jumper located just to the right of the operator panel ribbon cable connector. Refer to Page 137 of the PS/2 Hardware Maintenance Manual (HMM) dated Sept. 1993 HMM (S52G-9971-01) for the exact location. The jumper is reference number 14 on this page.
If it is missing...Replace it. Pins 1 and 2 must be connected to enable the operator panel power switch to be functional. Page 137 of the HMM references this jumper as being required.
FRU's are shipped from the plant with all required jumpers in place.

Additional information.
The information in the numbered list at the top of page 137 of the HMM is correct. However, in the illustration below the list, numbers 7 and 11 are reversed.
To correct the illustration, change the "11" to a "7" and change the "7" to an "11".
This will be corrected in the next update of the HMS.

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IBM PC Server

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Server 95

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