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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: BMOE-3Q3M67

Aptiva - How to setup Dial-Up Networking for IGN

Applicable to: United States

This document describes how to setup Windows 95's Dial-Up Networking (DUN) feature for use with the IBM Global Network. This information is provided by Advantis, the US Internet provider for the IBM Global Network.

Note: Before proceeding with the attached instructions, you will need the following information:
1. IGN Login Account, UserID, and Password (you need to be registered).

2. Local Dial-in Access Number -- more information on this in step 3(c).

3. Your own Internet Applications -- Most Aptivas are preloaded with several internet applications including Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

This document is divided into 3 sections:
- Section A: Setting up to connect to the Internet.
- Section B: Setting up your Internet software (Server information).
- Section C: Solving a connection problem (Help information).

BEFORE YOU BEGIN - You must configure your modem:
1. Double click on "MY COMPUTER", then "CONTROL PANEL", and then the "MODEMS" icon. Next, click "Properties".

2. Select speed of 57600. Remove check mark in the box that says "Only connect at this speed" if there is one.

3. Select the "Connection" tab. Make sure your settings are 8 DATA BITS, None PARITY, and 1 STOP BIT. Set CANCEL CALL AFTER to 60 seconds. Select WAIT FOR DIAL TONE.

4. Click ADVANCED.

5. This step is very important!
a. Put a check mark in USE ERROR CONTROL.
b. Remove check mark from COMPRESS DATA. Data compression is incompatible with IBM Global Network's configuration!

6. Put a check mark in "Use Flow Control". Put bullet (dot) in HW (RTS/CTS).

7. Select "Standard Modulation" in the drop-down window (this is the default).

8. Remove any additional initialization string (default is none).

9. Click "OK" until back to the control panel.

Section A: Setting up to connect to the Internet:
1. Installing Dial-Up Networking:
a. Double-click on "MY COMPUTER", then "CONTROL PANEL", and then the "ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS" icon.
b. Click on the tab labeled "WINDOWS SETUP" and highlight "COMMUNICATIONS".
c. Click on "DETAILS" and place a check mark next to "DIAL-UP NETWORKING". Click "OK", and then click "OK" again on the next screen. Double-click the "NETWORK" icon in the Control Panel.
d. Remove all icons in the Network Properties window by clicking on the item and then clicking "Remove". Repeat as needed to remove all the network components.
e. Click "OK", then "OK" again. If prompted to REBOOT, select "NO".

2. Installing and configuring the network properties:
a. Double-click on "MY COMPUTER", then "CONTROL PANEL", and then the "NETWORK" icon.
b. Click on "ADD", highlight "CLIENT", and then click "ADD" again.
c. Highlight "MICROSOFT" then highlight "CLIENT FOR MICROSOFT NETWORKS" and click "OK". Scroll down to "MICROSOFT" and click on it, then select "DIAL-UP ADAPTER".

NOTE: You will now see icons in the network components listbox for the following items:
- Client for Microsoft Networks
- Dial Up Adapter
- IPX/SPX Compatible Protocol

Ignore the icons for now. You will see that below you are asked to add some items to the list above. Follow the instructions exactly, or the configuration may be incorrect.

d. Click on "ADD", highlight "ADAPTER", and then click on "ADD" again.
e. Highlight "MICROSOFT", then highlight "DIAL-UP ADAPTER", and click "OK".
f. Click on "ADD", highlight "PROTOCOL", and click on "ADD" again.
g. Highlight "MICROSOFT", then highlight "TCP/IP", then click "OK".
h. If, at this point, you have any other network components showing besides the ones you added above, then you may have connection problems if they remain installed. Remove them. You should have only the following components installed:
- 3. TCP/IP

j. Verify that LOGON AND RESTORE NETWORK CONNECTIONS is checked, and click "OK".
k. Highlight DIAL-UP ADAPTER, and click "PROPERTIES".
l. Verify that ENHANCED MODE(32 BIT AND 16 BIT) NDIS DRIVER is checked.
m. Click the BINDINGS tab. Verify that the TCP/IP options is checked, click "OK".

Note: If you do not have TCP/IP here then there is an error in the configuration in Section A, step 2. Start over from the beginning and repeat the steps in Section A, step 2.

n. Highlight TCP/IP and click on "PROPERTIES".
o. Make sure you have this information under the following tabs:
- IP ADDRESS: Obtain an IP Address Automatically should be checked.
- WINS CONFIGURATION: Disable WINS Resolution should be checked.
- GATEWAY: Don't use.
- BINDINGS: Client for Microsoft Networks is checked.
- ADVANCED: Don't use.
- DNS CONFIGURATION: Disable DNS should be checked (see note below).

Note: If you are using another provider and have their DNS servers listed here, you will need to add them to their DUN icon instead. You can, if you wish, add the IBM.NET servers here.

p. Click "OK" on the TCP/IP settings.
q. Verify that "Client for Microsoft Networks" is the Primary Network Logon in the Network Settings panel, and click "OK".
r. Click "YES" when prompted to reboot.

3. Create the connection icon in Dial-Up Networking:
a. Double-click on "MY COMPUTER", and then on "DIAL-UP NETWORKING". Note: You may receive a 'Welcome to Dial-Up Networking' screen. If so, click "next". The directions will vary slightly from those provided from here though step number 4. In the window provided, erase "My Connection" and replace it with "Internet Connection".
b. Double-click "MAKE NEW CONNECTION", and type in "Internet Connection".
c. Click "Next". Enter your local access number here.

Note: The access number is available from Advantis by calling 1-800-821-4612. The entire list is also available from ftp.ibm.net/pub/Advantis/phone.lst, or from the Faxback system.

d. Click "Next", and then click "Finish".

4. Configure the "Internet Connection" icon:
a. Right-click on the "Internet Connection" icon and choose "PROPERTIES" from the pop-up context menu.
b. Click on "CONFIGURE", and, under the GENERAL tab, verify that the modem is displayed correctly. If it is not, you will have to reinstall your modem using the MODEMS icon in the CONTROL PANEL. The MAXIMUM SPEED should be set to 57600 for now, but you can experiment with this speed later on.
c. Click on the tab labeled CONNECTION. The CONNECTION PREFERENCES are set as Data Bits: 8; Parity: none, and Stop Bits : 1.
d. Click on the tab labeled OPTIONS. Verify that only DISPLAY MODEM STATUS is checked and click "OK".
e. Click on "SERVER TYPE", and make sure that "PPP: Windows 95;Windows NT 3.5 Internet" is listed in the TYPE OF DIAL-UP SERVER window.
f. Under the ADVANCED OPTIONS, verify that nothing is checked.
g. Under ALLOWED NETWORK PROTOCOLS option, only TCP/IP should be checked.
i. Make sure that only the following options are checked:
- 1. Server Assigned IP Address.
- 2. Specify Name Server Address. It is extremely important that you add the following to the DNS Server Fields:
a. Primary DNS:
b. Secondary DNS:
- 3. Use IP Header Compression.
- 4. Use Default Gateway on Remote Network.

j. Click "OK" until you get back to your Internet Connection icon.

5. Connecting to the Internet for the first time:
a. Double-click "MY COMPUTER", then "DIAL-UP NETWORKING", and then the "INTERNET CONNECTION" icon.
b. Type the following in the USER NAME field: "internet.youraccount.youruserid"

Note: This means that you always type the word "internet", and then follow it by your account number, a period, and your userid. On the next line, enter you password.
If your account # is: u1rnet
and your ID is: rru3461
and your Password is: adv55333
Then type the following:
In the USER NAME field: internet.u1rnet.rru3461
In the PASSWORD field: adv55333

c. Once you have entered your USER NAME and PASSWORD, you can click the SAVE PASSWORD box so you won't need to enter this information again.
d. Click "CONNECT". The modem will dial and the login process will begin.
e. Once you are connected, you can minimize the CONNECTED TO box and open any of your Internet applications.

Section B: Setting up your Internet Software (Server Information):
1. Home Page: http://www.ibm.net
2. News Server: news-s01.ny.us.ibm.net (allows newsgroup use)
3. Mail Server: pop01.ny.us.ibm.net or pop03.ca.us.ibm.net
Experiment with both of the servers listed above to determine which gives you better performance. Use your login userid and password for your e-mail account information.
4. SMTP Server: smtp-gw01.ny.us.ibm.net (allows e-mail to be sent)
5. Setup for MS Exchange (Original Windows 95 CD-ROM version):
a. Double-click the INBOX icon. Click "TOOLS", and then choose "SERVICES".
b. Highlight INTERNET MAIL and click "PROPERTIES".
c. Enter you name, e-mail address in format userid@ibm.net, Pop server (see Mail Servers listed above), userid, and password.
d. Click on "ADVANCED OPTIONS" and enter "SMTP-GW01.NY.US.IBM.NET"
e. Click "OK", then "APPLY", then "OK" again.
f. This is all the support IBM can provide for MS Exchange setup. If you have any questions or problems regarding this product, please contact Microsoft.

There are other e-mail packages available using WWW search engines, or by choosing "Software Download Sites" on the home page at http://www.ibm.net under the button labeled LINKS. These packages include Eudora and Pegasus mail.

Section C: Solving a connection problem:
1. How to determine if you are connected (Using the PING program):
The best way to test (or verify) that you are connected to the Internet is by using a tool called PING. Windows 95 has a PING program that can be run from an MS-DOS window. After you connect to the Internet, open an MS-DOS window and type "ping www.ibm.net" and press "Enter". The program will attempt to send data to the IBM home page, and, if you have a valid Internet connection, the IBM homepage will send a reply. If you receive a reply, then your Internet connection is working. If the PING fails (i.e. you get no reply, the program times out, or you get the message "bad IP address") then you are not connected to the Internet. View the items listed below for possible problem resolution aids.
2. Check the setup guide again:
Please verify that your settings match those described in Section A. These settings are very important, and you should follow the guide exactly as shown.
3. LAN and dial-up connections may conflict with one another:
Sometimes dial-up and LAN connections conflict with each other. If you have a LAN and dial-up connection, you MUST contact your LAN Administrator as Advantis is a dial-up provider and does not have LAN information.
4. Check your "Network Properties" in the Control Panel:
Make sure you have only the three network components listed in step 3(h). You should not have any components other then the Client for Microsoft Networks, Dial-Up Adapter, and TCP/IP.
5. Your modem may be software error correcting:
These modems have an RPI chipset that is a 14.4 Class I modem. These modems do not support hardware error correction. Since our service requires hardware error correction, these modems will not work with our service. The best way to find out if you have a SW error correcting modem is to call your modem manufacturer and ask them if your modem model is software error correcting.

Search Keywords

Hint Category

Communications Software, Software Installation/Configuration, Windows 95

Date Created


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IBM Aptiva

Product Family


Machine Type

2134, 2136, 2137, 2138, 2140, 2142, 2144, 2159, 2161, 2162, 2168, 2176


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