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Service Hints & Tips

Document ID: MCGN-3LQQGT

Server Options - Adaptec chipset SCSI device checklist

Applicable to: World-Wide

If Devices are not showing up during a SCSI scan, check the following:

1. Check that the device at the end of each ribbon is terminated only and no other device.

2. Check that a Fast Wide (16 bit) cable is not terminated by a Fast (8 bit) device with a 16/8 bit converter. (e.g. CD ROM.) It must be terminated by a Fast Wide device. Also, 16/8 bit converters cannot be turned around backwards. They are for attaching Fast devices to a Fast Wide cable only. Fast Wide devices require Fast Wide Cables and Controllers.

3. Check that ID's are not conflicting between devices on the chain. (e.g. a Hot Swap backplane. Note that chains with attached hot swap backplanes only have ID 6 available for a non hot swap device, with the exception of the 704 Server, whose backplanes use ID 6 for their own ID. Any other attached device will conflict with a backplane position on that chain. Remember that hot swap drives take the ID equivalent to their bay position minus one.)

4. The SCSI ID of the Host Adapter should always be set to 7. No ID higher than 7 (e.g. ID's 8-14) is supported, even if the controller allows it.

5. Hard Drives that do not have AUTO START jumpers enabled must have the Adaptec send a "Start Unit Command". This is configured in SCSI Select by selecting "Configure / View Host Adapter Settings", "SCSI Device Configuration", and setting the "Send Start Unit Command" to "yes" under the appropriate SCSI ID. (It is recommended to let the Adaptec controller start the units, however the boot device may be jumpered for Autostart. If the Autostart jumper is on a drive, you can still set to send Start Unit Command. Multiple drives should not be set to Autostart, as this is a drain on the power supply when they all try to start at once.)

6. Remember that all connectors on a single Adaptec controller are not multichannel. ID's 0-6 only are available for devices attached to any ribbon, internal or external, and ID's will conflict between chains on the same controller.

7. Only two cables at a time can be attached to the Adaptec controller's connectors, internal or external.

8. Remove any TERM POWER jumpers on any devices on the chain. These are used on older controller types only.

9. Check host adapter termination. (See Host adapter termination table.)

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